Focuses on the digital-rights debate in the music industry. Replacement of the compact disc by broadband Internet in malls; Discussion on the access of consumer to broad catalog of titles with the ability to move files from one player to the other; Information on the Holy Grail of music ...
RIGHTSTECH:AI IN TRAINING: BUYING AND SELLING DATA 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM PT Venice Room Lawsuits continue to fly over the use of copyrighted works to train generative AI models, but a market is also developing around training data and datasets across text, music, images and video. Who is...
But the essay published this week by Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, on his firm's website under the unassuming title "Thoughts on Music" has nonetheless provoked a vigorous debate about the future of digital music, which Apple dominates with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store. ...
It will be interesting to see how (if at all!) the debate has moved on since 2010. In the meantime PopRights’ Ken Barr wrote blog post about the Review forLive Music Exchangewhich can be foundhere. UK Music Launches Industry Manifesto!
Jesper Skibsby from WARM – World Airplay Radio Monitor presents the WARM platform and points possible ways forward for Portuguese artists to internationalize their music through worldwide airplay strategies. Jesper will then debate with Cláudia Duarte, from this is ground control, about how you ca...
Recent years have seen artificial intelligence (AI) technologies from large companies increasingly privatize people’s data, creating asymmetrical and undemocratic economic relations. Specifically, generative AI disseminates false information, distorts p
In addition to their own section alongside music and podcasts, audiobooks will show up in your recommendations on the main page. Unpacking the ownership of Storytel17 September 2022 (Simply Wall St)The group holding the most number of shares in the company, around 35% to be precise, is ...
Digital methods have caused a worldwide revolution in every facet of life. The 0s and 1s of digital data mean more than just on and off. They mean perfect copying. When information, music, voice and video are turned into binary digital form, they can be electronically manipulated, preserved...
A. Itwasuncharacteristicallylow-keyfortheindustry’sgreatestshowman.ButtheessaypublishedthisweekbySteveJobs,thebossofApple,onhisfirm’swebsiteundertheunassumingtitle“ThoughtsonMusic”hasnonethelessprovokedavigorousdebateaboutthefutureofdigitalmusic,whichAppledominateswithitsiPodmusic-playerandiTunesmusic-store.Ati...