Spotify Center Stage in Digital Music DebateGonsalves, Andrew
Our results show no evidence of digital music sales displacement by unlicensed downloading and present, for some countries in our sample, a rather small but positive elasticity of up to 0.04 between these two channels. We also find a positive relationship between the use of licensed streaming web...
An open cultural public sphere in which filmmakers and audiences use film as a medium for dialogical and democratic debate is imperative. However, Saura García (2024, 2) argued that generative AI promotes “re-feudalization,” widening economic disparities in the public sphere and generating vast...
While June 28 is the deadline for new titles to meet the EAA requirements, there is a great deal of debate over whether it applies to backlist titles, since there is a provision that states that services, which includes e-books, existing prior to June 2025 can continue to act in the ...
See more real-world results in our latest case studies. Ready to scale smarter? Try Marin Strategies today and experience the power of cross-channel optimization. Optimization Ascend Super Bowl Ads, Sweetheart Tools, and Reddit’s AI Crush Happy Valentine’s Day, Darlings, ...
changed to date, and in 2013 we look for tangible results in this area. We will also look to make 2013 the turning point in our cooperation with the advertising sector. Major brands must no longer consider it acceptable to help fund illegal music sites that tarnish their own reputation, as...
SellingDigitalMusicwithoutCopy-protectionMakesSense A. Itwasuncharacteristicallylow-keyfortheindustry’sgreatestshowman.ButtheessaypublishedthisweekbySteveJobs,thebossofApple,onhisfirm’swebsiteundertheunassumingtitle“ThoughtsonMusic”hasnonethelessprovokedavigorousdebateaboutthefutureofdigitalmusic,whichAppledominate...
Interaction Designers on Visual Design May 5, 2004 Dogger: the Debate Blogger May 2, 2004April, 2004Interface Design Labors: Feature-Creep April 30, 2004 The Three Labors of Interface Design April 27, 2004 As the Web Grows Faster… April 25, 2004 Natural Color Schemes From Above April 23,...
See more real-world results in our latest case studies. Ready to scale smarter? Try Marin Strategies today and experience the power of cross-channel optimization. Optimization Ascend Super Bowl Ads, Sweetheart Tools, and Reddit’s AI Crush Happy Valentine’s Day, Darlings, ...