1. 弥漫性轴索损伤 神经外科单词_百度文库 ... 硬膜下血肿 Subdural heamtoma弥漫性轴索损伤diffuse axonal injury挫伤 Contusion ... wenku.baidu.com|基于38个网页 2. 弥漫性轴突损伤 14弥漫性轴突损伤(diffuse axonal injury) 15 沃-弗综合征(Waterhausen–Friederichsen’s syndrome) 16 小儿麻痹症(infantile ...
弥漫性轴突损伤(diffuse axonal injury) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 多见于车祸颅脑损伤后即出现深昏迷和植物状态,(1分)肉眼上脑组织无明显变化,(0.5分)镜下可见:轴突广泛肿胀,继之髓鞘变性,以大脑白质,胼胝体和脑干部位最明显,并继续发展为灶性出血和胶质细胞增生。(1.5分) ...
更新第80课 脑挫伤(Cerebral Contusion)(三):弥漫性轴索损伤(Diffuse Axonal Injury),这期内容相对诊断上有所难度,如有不明白地方,可以给我留言,微信公众号:XHG-YXXXPT888会为大家服务!
网络弥漫性轴索损伤 网络释义 1. 弥漫性轴索损伤 (二)、弥漫性轴索损伤(diffuseaxonalinjury):主要表现为受伤当时立即出现的昏迷时间较长。迷原因主要是广泛的轴索损 … jk.shm.com.cn|基于 1 个网页
Diffuse axonal injurydiffuse axonal injuryshearing stresspathological classificationprognosisSynonyms DAI Definition One of the major types of traumatic brain injury that results from acceleration–deceleration effects rather than direct impact on the brain. Typically, the injury is the result of high-speed...
Diffuse axonal injury儿科关键词: 儿科 临床研究术语 脑外伤 词汇介绍 拓展阅读解析 diffuse 英/dɪˈfjuːs/ 美 /dɪˈfjuːs/ 释义vt. 扩散;传播;漫射 adj. 弥漫的;散开的 vi. 传播;四散 例句To analyse the therapeutic effect of diffuse axonal injury(DAI). 分析脑弥漫性轴索损伤治疗...
弥漫性轴索损伤 (Diffuseaxonalinjury ,DAI)是导致非火器性颅脑损伤患者重残及植物生存的最常见原因之一 ,脑组织的加速、减速及旋转运动均可造成DAI,其主要病理特征为轴索断裂后形成轴索球。 更多例句>> 4) Diffuse axonal injury/drug therapy 弥漫性轴索损伤/药物疗法 5) Acute diffuse axonal injury(ADAI) ...
英文: Methods Retrospective study of the clinical treatment data of 42 patients with diffuse axonal injury was performed. 中文: 方法取42例脑弥漫性轴索损伤患者的临床资料。 更详细... 英文: Objective To analyse the therapeutic effect of diffuse axonal injury (DAI). 中文: 摘要目的分析脑弥漫性轴...
Diffuse axonal injury: an important form of traumatic brain damage. Neuroscientist. 1998; 10 :202–215. doi: 10.1177/107385849800400316. [ Cross Ref ]T. A. Gennarelli, L. E. Thibault, and D. I. Graham, "Diffuse axonal injury: an important form of traumatic brain damage," Neuroscientist,...
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) from penetrating or closed forces to the cranium can result in a range of forms of neural damage, which culminate in mortality or impart mild to significant neurological disability. In this regard, diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is a major neuronal patho...