Diffuse axonal injuryMagnetic resonance spectroscopySince mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) often leads to neurological symptoms even without clinical MRI findings, our goal was to test whether diffuse axonal injury is quantifiable with multivoxel proton MR spectroscopic imaging (1H-MRSI). T1- and T2...
An inception cohort of 40 children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury and suspected diffuse axonal injury were studied using a new high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging susceptibility-weighted technique that is very sensitive for hemorrhage. A blinded comparison was performed between the exten...
弥漫性轴索损伤(diffuse axonal injury,DAI)是颅脑损伤中一种常见的原发性损伤,以胼胝体,脑干等脑中线部位局灶性病变及脑白质广泛性轴索损伤为特征,患者常伤情重,治疗难,预后差[1].临床及生物力学研究表明,DAI的发生有其独特的致伤机制,即由外力使颅脑产生旋转和(或)直线加速度,脑组织内部发生剪应力作用导致神经...
Diffuse brain injuries range from concussion (a change in physiologic and neurologic function without obvious changes on imaging studies) to diffuse axonal injury (disruption of axons in the subcortical white matter). From: Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 2005 ...
diffuse 双语例句 1. The increased expression of Tau is associated to delayed axotomy and neuron apoptosis. The neuroprotection of HSP70 is likely based its effect on reducing aggregation of Tau. A new approach to treatment of diffuse axonal injury may be developed through the enhancement of intrin...
Brain perfusion imaging (SPECT-Tc-99m HM-PAO) in diagnosis of diffuse axonal injury Patients with diffuse axonal injury (DAI) may present an array of neurologic and psychologic symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomogr... W Marks,B Brockhuis,P Lass,... - 《Neurosurgery...
Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) occurs when axons are sheared due to the movement and rotation of the brain within the skull (Fig. 2C). It often causes coma and can be difficult to see on CT imaging but is more obvious on MRI due to the edema that accompanies the injury. Surgical ...
indicatesthatmildhypothermiatherapymaybebeneficialforpatientswithdifuseaxonalinjur~ KeyWords:nerveregeneration;braininjury;mildhypothermia;difuseaxonalinjury;difusion tensorimaging;regionofinterest;fractionalanisotropy;modifiedRankinscale;theNaturalScience FoundationofGuangdongProvinceinChina;neuralregeneration Funding:Thisstu...
University of Satilde;o Paulo Medical School, Satilde;o Paulo, Brazil Background: Diffuse axonal injury (DAI), a common cause of neurological sequelae in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), is considered one of the most prevalent forms of primary neuronal injury in patients with severe...
There were no discernable differences in axonal injury or membrane disruption between treatment groups. Cytokine levels were consistent between Bup and saline treated animals, however, microglia and astrocytes revealed region specific histological changes at 1d following Bup treatment. Myelin integrity and ...