将“differently abled person"翻译成中文 残疾人是将“differently abled person"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:From # to May # the program helped employ # differently-abled persons in the formal sector ↔ 从 # 年至 # 年 # 月,该方案几乎帮助 # 名能力有别者在正规部门就业。
Hi all, I am starting a discussion with the thought of inclusion of PWD community through MS teams. I am a training manager in an organization. This thought came when we had internal meet on, "how ...
Hi all,I am starting a discussion with the thought of inclusion of PWD community through MS teams.I am a training manager in an organization. This thought came when we had internal meet on, "how we can include our PWD participants during the internal training sessions thro...
and cooking and managing household but when it comes to differently abled people choosing life partner the society asks too many questions regarding how we manage kids or household work ,And even it comes to loving a person differently abled person can't have personal desire or opinion to ...
Association between intellectual disability severity (p-value=0.031), affected sibling of intellectually differently abled person (p-value<0.001) and caregivers' burden was statistically significant. Conclusion: The study emphasises that even though there's vast body of ...
as a significant step toward raising awareness about the differently-abled community. View details DAC Children meet the President of India The students of DAC had the opportunity to meet India’s first woman, the honourable president of the nation, Droupadi Murmu. View details Power of ...
The differently abled are at considerable disadvantage as they often lack the information needed while passing obstacles and hazards. They have relatively little information about land marks, heading and self velocity information that is essential to navigate them successfully through unfamiliar environments...
Though service to disabled children in India is more than 100 years old, the coverage of these children in the formal school system is not even 5 per cent. The report of manpower development published by the Rehabilitation Council of India reveals that more thanSmt S. Binduja Moha...
A NOVEL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM BASED ON SIGN LANGUAGE RECOGNITION AND VOICE CONVERSION FOR DIFFERENTLY ABLED PERSONdoi:10.26634/jdp.12.1.20914MEANS of communication for people with disabilitiesDIGITIZATIONSIGN languageSPEECHDEAF peopleSign language is a form of communication that helps deaf and mut...
Impact of Aasara Pension on Differently Abled Tribal Persondoi:10.2139/ssrn.3768215The Telangana Government has introduced AASARAPension scheme on 8th November 2014 with enhancing themonthly pension from Rs. 200 to Rs. 1000 for the oldSocial Science Electronic Publishing...