Define Differently-abled people. Differently-abled people synonyms, Differently-abled people pronunciation, Differently-abled people translation, English dictionary definition of Differently-abled people. n. pl. dis·a·bil·i·ties 1. a. A physical or m
The meaning of DIFFERENTLY ABLED is having a disability : disabled —sometimes objected to as an awkward or condescending euphemism. How to use differently abled in a sentence.
In all socialist countries, some arrangement of groups of disabled has been established, the basis of the degree of loss of work ability. For example, in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, complete and partial disability are distinguished; in the German Democratic Republic, a person is recognized...
intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and active participation in society on an equal basis with others.’ A definition proposed in 2006, subject to WHO approval is: ‘Difficulty in functioning at the body, person or societal levels, ...
Definition of Differently-abled in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Differently-abled? Meaning of Differently-abled as a finance term. What does Differently-abled mean in finance?
and the right descends to her infant son. But the rule is otherwise when there are several disabilities in the same person; as, if the right accrues to an infant, and before he has attained his full age, he becomes non compos mentis; in this case he may establish his right after the...
The sameopportunitiesmust beprovidedto differently-abledemployeesas to therestof theworkforce. Hedislikestheterm"differentlyabled" andinsists, "I amlearningdisabled." Compare abled More examples Disabilityactivistssay thattermslike “differentlyabled”attempttoglossover thedisabledperson’sdailystruggles, which...
Able, Differently Abled, Disabled by David Bock I'm a regular contributor to Blue Collar Prepping, and over the years many posts have addressed things such as Bug Out bags (BOB), Get Home Bags (GHB), and the like. Several articles have also addressed phy
But having an intellectual disability doesn't mean a person can't learn. World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations Organization (UNO), in International Classification of diseases and related problems (ICD - 10), published the definition of Mental Retardation in 1992 which states: "...