An open system is one that interacts with its environment and thus exchanges information, material, or energy with the environment, including random and undefined inputs. Open systems are adaptive in nature as they tend to react with the environment in s
Thedelivery modeproperty allows systems to distinguish between two prevailing metaphors for communication. Within AP, both delivery modes have the same capabilities, but between systems which have different user interfaces for the two modes, this flag is used to communicate the appropriate mode. ...
Changes in the interactions between integrins, intracellular proteins, and the actin cytoskeleton can lead to signaling changes in what might otherwise appear as a static cellular environment36. Integrin-αM is found on monocyte-derived cells29.αM forms an αβ heterodimer with integrin-β2, and...
Our results revealed significant differences in the composition of the two tested isotope systems between captive and wild individuals. Isotope values of skin samples from captive specimens were significantly enriched in 13C and 15N as compared to specimens from the wild. We also used the weighted ...
Differentiating between bipolar spectrum disorder (BD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in childhood and adolescence is difficult because the clinical presentation is influenced by ongoing neural development, causing considerable sympt
(G1, well-differentiated; G2, moderately differentiated; G3, poorly differentiated). There was no significant difference between well-differentiated (950.2 ± 140.2 ms) and moderately/poorly differentiated (1009.4 ± 202.0 ms) HCCs in the native T1 maps. After contrast medium ...
If I can pass it and it'll get ignored, that works great (although it might not be the greatest UX for other use cases?). Yes, reconciliation is spec focused, but it's hard to generically distinguish between a field that I simply didn't specify locally and a field that's server-sid...
Somato-dendritic morphology and dendritic signal transfer properties differentiate between fore- and hindlimb innervating motoneurons in the frog Rana esculenta Research article Open access Published: 18 June 2012 Volume 13, article number 68, (2012) Cite this article Download PDF You have full access...
This leads to ugly flickering because each time I hit a letter the style gets applied, each time I hit a blank between the letters, the style gets removed. How can I differentiate between the actual features and the texts when hovering? openlayers style ol-interaction Shar...
Since we did not perform any matching between the patients and the control group, the potential confounders (ω, age, sex, and BMI) were added to the regression model, in addition to the power of 18 signal frequencies along the CC, AP, and ML axes as the explanatory variables (Table 1...