This study sought to determine the factors that motivate teachers to differentiate curriculum for gifted students in a case study school in Victoria, Australia. For this purpose, 10 teachers from Year 7-9 mixed ability classes at the school were engaged in interviews about thei...
The purpose of this study was to examine whether gifted achievers and gifted underachievers differ in their general academic self-perceptions, attitudes toward school, attitudes toward teachers, motivation and self-regulation, and goal valuation. The sample consisted of 56 gifted underachievers and 122...
This is where the extra preparation comes in—the teacher has, in advance, prepared materials for each group. For example, she has set aside on the enrichment table, worksheets or activities that further challenge the students. This could include adding more complexity or introducing the next ...
We conducted a document analysis study in response to a request from district-level gifted education specialists about additional services to support their gifted high school students. Given the fact that these students are diverse in many ways (e.g., readiness, interest areas, an...
Resistance to Methotrexate Is Associated with Selective Changes of α2,6- and α2,3-Sialyltransferase Activities toward N-Acetyllactosaminic Sequences in H... In previous works we established that the α2,6-sialyltransferase acting on N-acetyllactosaminic sequences [α2,6(N)ST, E.C. 2.4....
Using QR Codes to Differen- tiate Learning for Gifted and Talented Stu- dents. Gifted Child Today. 38(1), 36-66.Siegle, D.: Using QR Codes to Differentiate Learning for Gifted and Talented Students. In: Gifted Child Today. Iss. 38, vol. 1, pp. 63-66 (2015)...
This study aimed to explore the perceptions of Saudi teachers about using technology to differentiate instruction with gifted and talented students. The participants included Saudi teachers who are using technology as a tool to differentiate the instruction for gifted students. The findings indicated that...
Using teacher ratings of social behavior to differentiate gifted from non-gifted students. Roep Rev 1994 ; 16 : 286-9.Merrell, K. W., & Gill, S. J. (1994). Using teacher ratings of social behavior to differentiate gifted from non-gifted students. Roeper Review, 16, 286-289. doi:...