To investigate this, we characterized differential gene expression (DGE) during the transition from planula to adult polyp in the abundant Caribbean reef‐building coral Porites astreoides, that is from nonprobing to actively substrate‐probing larva, a stage required for colony initiation. This ...
简单来说就是在已经注释celltype的基础上,将每个样本中聚类到一个celltype中的gene counts加在一起。 summed<-aggregateAcrossCells(merged,id=colData(merged)[,c("celltype.mapped","sample")])#将六个样本中各个样本所有cell的各个celltype.mapped的cell gene counts加在一起dim(summed)counts(summed)[1:4,1...
Differential gene expression analysis of early-ripening mutants of grape ( Vitis vinifera L.)GrapeDigital gene expressionFruit skin colorEarly ripeningIn the present study, digital gene expression (DGE) profiles of grape (Vitis vinifera L., cv. Yinhong) and its mutants (YH-20-1 and YH-20-2)...
Differential gene expression(DGE) analysis requires that gene expression values be compared between sample group types. RPKM and FPKM normalize the mostimportant factor for comparing samples-sequencing depth. Normalizing approaches that are based simply on total or effective counts tend to perform poorly ...
This repository contains the code and resources for RNA-Seq data processing, differential gene expression (DGE), and gene ontology (GO) analysis in Drosophila melanogaster, specifically focused on genes involved in regeneration. RNA-Seq Pipeline Overview The script automates the RN...
Algorithms for the analysis of differential gene expression or differential splicing have many different approaches. Differential gene expression (DGE) refers to alterations in the expression (counts) of the sum of each of the isoforms that are encoded by a gene. Many methods for DGE analysis are...
Often, the interest lies in comparing the transcriptional output between different conditions, and most RNA-seq studies can be classified as either: 1) differential gene expression (DGE) studies, where the overall transcriptional output of each gene is compared between conditions; 2) differential ...
To explore the molecular mechanisms underlying the fruit quality effects of different bagging treatments, digital gene expression (DGE) profiling of bagged and unbagged ‘Chili’ (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.) pear pericarp during development was performed. Relative to unbagged fruit, a total of 3022 ...
Summary: It is expected that emerging digital gene expression (DGE) technologies will overtake microarray technologies in the near future for many functional genomics applications. One of the fundamental data analysis tasks, especially for gene expression studies, involves determining whether there is evid...
GEMmaker is a Nextflow workflow for large-scale gene expression sample processing, expression-level quantification and Gene Expression Matrix (GEM) construction. Results from GEMmaker are useful for differential gene expression (DGE) and gene co-expression network (GCN) analyses. The GEMmaker workflow...