That being said, there are many ways to organize your blog in order to guide your audience toward what you want them to read. Use My 35+ PowerfulFree Blogging ToolsToday When I first started blogging, I couldn’t afford fancy tools. That sucked. And that’s why I’ve built a stable ...
Try different styles to meet different objectives, and always challenge yourself to find ways to reach each student. You may also like to read Effective Teaching Strategies for Adolescent Literacy Teachers Effective Teaching Strategies for Special Education ...
These dynamics fundamentally shape organisational life at every level, forcing people to develop labyrinthine workarounds for issues they cannot openly acknowledge. Until we find ways to make these issues discussable, organisations will continue paying the price in misaligned decisions and much energy ...
Drawing on ten years of pastoral experience in New York City, and now three years as the lead pastor of Bridgetown Church in Portland, Oregon, Tyler shares many anecdotes of the ways in which people encountered God’s Spirit, and God’s Spiritencounteredthem. Encounter. If you attend Bridgeto...
Understanding and embracing your sexual identity is a deeply personal journey. As McDaniel emphasizes, labels are most beneficial when we choose them for ourselves. If the term pansexual resonates with you and reflects your experience, then congrats, you’re pan! If it doesn’t feel like a ...
10 WAYS TO FORCE YOUR EMPLOYEES TO VACCINATE Vaccinating drought victims in Burkina Faso against the cholera epidemic (Sygma via Getty Images) With the pandemic raging and ravaging our country, the news that government is at last allowing businesses to open up is a welcome relief. Our government...
and trolls into their program. This gives the individual a way to label things they are interested in and may give them ways to communicate and connect with others. There is time to work on building other common language skills, however focusing on what is important to the client should also...
What He does need me to do is to love those within my sphere and under my care. He needs me to drive a little girl to school each morning and care for her while her mother is working. He needs me to share what I have and offer my help in practical ways. He needs me to send ...
Almost impossible. Layered atop it, helping my mother in the last two years of her rapid decline, physically and mentally. All required doggedness and charity and choosing to do the right thing. Too much of me. And over time this has weakened me, isolated in unhelpful ways, the searing ...
Quick and easy ways to improve your physical self-care: Drink more water. Make this easier by using habit stacking. This means take an existing habit and add the step of drinking a glass of water on top of it. In ABA speak, the existing habit becomes the SD for drinking water. When ...