Add visual impact to titles and text with per-character text gradient tools in the Essential Graphics panel. Apply linear gradients to give your text or shape a metallic or shiny appearance. Use linear or radial gradients with colors (fill, stroke, and s
Gradient lenses also offer clear vision whilst driving, with the top of the lens being darkest, therefore protecting your eyes from sunlight whilst allowing more light to the bottom half of the lens so that you are able to see your dashboard clearly. Sunglasses with an anti-reflective coating...
were studied.The results showed that,the number of leaves per plant was the highest under the second water gradient;under the same water gradient,the number of leaves per plant was presented as:previous stubble Cucumis sativus L.significantlyprevious stubble Amaranthus tricolor L.significantlyprevious ...
The similarity of the zooplankton communities of these estuaries has to do with the commonness of their trophic structure. The zooplankton community in the Vistula estuary is more affected by the gradient of abiotic factors than the Curonian bay community. The mechanism providing the stability of ...
Gradient-echo echo-planar T2*-weighted images depicting BOLD contrast were acquired from 35 non-contiguous oblique axial plane slices of 2 mm thickness to minimise signal drop-out in the ventral regions. We did not retrieve images of the whole brain; the superior part of the cortex was not...
To quantify T2*, multiple echoes are typically acquired with a multi-echo gradient echo sequence using either monopolar or bipolar readout gradients. The use of bipolar readout gradients achieves a shorter echo spacing time, enabling the acquisition of a larger number of echoes in the same scan...
The effect stems from stresses placed on the dielectric’s crystal structure as a result of an applied voltage gradient, and consequently scales with dielectric thickness/device voltage rating; all else being equal (which it rarely is…) a device rated for 100 VDC will require a DC bias four...
Moreover, the largest stress gradient for both types of deposition geometries arises at roughly the same film depth (240 nm from substrate), where the stresses sharply transits from highly compressive to less compressive or even tensile. This appears to correspond to the boundary region that ...
Cluster analysis was carried out on 18 samples to check the Outlier of sample clustering, and the results showed that there were no outlier (Fig. 1), Among the 18 samples, R represents red quinoa and W represents white quinoa; 2 represents a gradient of 112.5 kg/hm2 for P2O5 treatment, ...
The bacterial community structure and dynamics during the composting process were detected and analysed by polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) coupled with a statistic analysis. The physical-chemical analyses indicated that compared to single-material composting (PM, CM...