Add visual impact to titles and text with per-character text gradient tools in the Essential Graphics panel. Apply linear gradients to give your text or shape a metallic or shiny appearance. Use linear or radial gradients with colors (fill, stroke, and s
Illustrator gradient appears different than Photoshop gradient frygurlejn Community Beginner , Feb 24, 2022 Copy link to clipboard I'm using the exact same colors and have draw the gradient the same way, and yet the gradient appears differently in Illustrator versus Photoshop...
Once we’ve applied the gradient, we can add the grain texture by going to Effect > Photoshop Effects > Texture > Grain, where we will want to set the Grain Type to Stippled and then adjust the Intensity and Contrast levels until we get an interesting result. In my case, I went with...
The ovaries were fixed in Bouin’s solution, dehydrated in an increasing ethanol gradient, cleared in xylene, embedded in paraffin, sectioned using a Leica RM2016 microtome (Germany) and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. Ovary sections were examined and photographed using an Olympus microscope ...
The white arrowheads mark the gradual signal decrease at the edges of respective polar domain. In addition, at transversal domains (merged apical/basal), BOR1-GFP and PIP2-GFP show a strong signal gradient decreasing toward the root surface (e) and from the root surface (f), respectively (...
PHLPP1 Antibody Comparison in WT and KO Brain. Cortex and Hippocampus were harvested from PHLPP1 WT/KO mice. 30 μg/well homogenized brain tissue extract was loaded onto 15 well/4–15% gradient SDS-PAGE gels. PVDF membranes were probed with PHLPP1 antibodies purchased from (A) Bethyl Lab...
An ATP gradient was generated by ejecting ATP from a micropipette as described previously (26). A micropipette with ∼3-megaohm resistance was filled with 0.5 mm ATP. To prevent ATP leak, a backing current of +700 nA was applied with a current generator (Dagan, model ION-100T). ...
The analysis conditions were as follows: chromatographic column, LCA K06/Na; mobile phase A, 0.012% citric acid-sodium citrate buffer, pH 3.45; mobile phase B, 0.02% citric acid-sodium citrate, pH 10.85; 58–74 °C, gradient temperature control; flow rate elution pump, 0.45 mL/min + ...
A distribution of these areas used throughout urbanized areas in the Chinese cities ensures representation of the different types and locations of dead wood along the gradient from the inner city to the urban periphery. Ten expert (mean age = 50.50 ± 5.68, six males and four females) silvi...
Add visual impact to titles and text with per-character text gradient tools in the Essential Graphics panel. Apply linear gradients to give your text or shape a metallic or shiny appearance. Use linear or radial gradients with colors (fill, stroke, and s