Comparison of different microprocessor controlled knee joints on the energy consumption during walking in trans-femoral amputees: intelligent knee prosthes... Comparison of different microprocessor controlled knee joints on the energy consumption during walking in trans-femoral amputees: intelligent knee ...
Sapin E, Goujon H, de Almeida F, Fode P, Lavaste F. Functional gait analysis of trans-femoral amputees using two different single- axis prosthetic knees with hydraulic swing-phase control: kine- matic and kinetic comparison of two prosthetic knees. Prosthet Orthot Int 2008;32:201-18....
Generalization of those findings to amputees using AT should be done with caution since in both experiments unimpaired participants were included. Moreover, training duration in Experiment 2 was short. Our findings indicate that training and assessment methods for myocontrolled AT use should focus on ...
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an important diagnostic tool in medical engineering, presented in the form of electrical signal. Its complete analysis requires three stages viz. pre-processing, feature extraction, and classification/detection. The last stage provides the final outcome; hence, its careful se...
To compare the individual influence of different types of socket designs on the hip's range of motion in transfemoral amputees. We studied the kinematic parameters of the hip joint for patients with transfemoral amputation under four experimental conditions: without a socket, with a quadrilateral ...
27 participants with intact hands and three transradial amputees took part in a modified RHI experiment. The rubber hand was stroked with a brush, and the participant's hidden hand/residual limb received stimulation with either brush stroking, electricity, pressure, or vibration. Th...
This pilot study aimed at testing the hypothesis that the effectiveness of an Active Pelvis Orthosis (APO)鈥攎ediated strategy to counteract the fall risk in transfemoral amputees (TFAs) can depend on the adopted prosthetic knee. Two TFAs with good and similar functional capabilities (k-level=3...
The objective of this study was to analyze the dual-task gait assessment of transfemoral amputees between two groups of prosthetic knees (polycentric, TFA P ; and fluid-controlled, TFA FC ) on different types of surfaces (even and uneven), by comparing them to the age-matched able-bodied ...
Reduced speed may provide the prosthetists with the vision of the amputees' progression of adaptation with a newly prescribed prosthetic knee. Copyright 2019 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.medengphy.2019.03.014Abouhossein, Alireza...
No significant differences were found among object types (P=.689). Amputees performed significantly worse than nonamputees in recognizing the different floor conditions used in this experiment. With the biofeedback device, amputees significantly improved their abilities in identifying different floor ...