One Size Does Not Fit all - Different Strategies for Teaching Accounting Ethics. Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting. 17: 139-157.Graham, C. M., Kelly, P., Massey, D. W., & Van Hise, J. (2013). One size does not fit all-different strategies for teaching...
List of effective teaching styles: Authority, Demonstrator, Facilitator, Developer, Hybrid — examples of the best teaching methods for diverse learners.
EFFICACY OF DIFFERENT STRATEGIES IN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION TEACHING: ASSOCIATION BETWEEN RESEARCH AND UNIVERSITY EXTENSION 1 BiodiversityEnvironmental educationSchoolsSemiaridValuate.We evaluated three aspects of an environmental education (EE) process: relationship between level of knowledge and level of ...
international security in different regions of the world and invited the Secretary-General to consider those threats as a factor in conflict prevention strategies, conflict analysis, integrated missions’ [...] 最后,安理会主席发表了一项声明,其中安理会“关切地注意到,贩毒和跨 ...
‘teach’ students must learn to adapt, for teaching students at different levels of reality, teaching objectives, content, approaches, methods and evaluation of different treatment, so that all levels of students can get better on the basis of their original development of teaching strategies. Leve...
The author has studied peculiarities of students' representations with different strategies of meaning transfer on communication and professional skills of teachers influencing students' meaning-making. The research involved 156 students of the age of 18-21 at their BSc 1st -3rd years of different stud...
The use of students' first language alongside English in school and to use it in intensive reading will support both academic achievement and development of English as an additional language. However, teaching intensive reading in bilingual classrooms is lack of teacher's reading strategies that ...
teaching method alone. Grouping is one of the most common learning strategies that transfers across subject matter. This process involves placing information into logical groups for easier recall of information later on. A carpenter may, for example, group the different wood cutting processes by ...
The emerging picture is of two different strategies to cope with a second language. Boys leverage efficient processing and rule-based "implicit" thinking; girls draw on a wider range of linguistic information, achieving "explicit" comprehension of sentences. A cursory look at test scores may have...
To make learning more meaningful, understandable and fruitful to a learner, effectiveness of teaching delivered by a teacher is very essential condition. This concept of teaching-learning process is not exceptional one in case of teacher training institutions. Through the present study an attempt has...