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24 Disclosure of related party information relating to transactions between two state-controlled enterprises Exempted. Required if the state-controlled enterprise meets the criteria for a related party. 24 Sale to a related party at a transaction price in excess of market price Measure revenue at ...
Telecomshavebecomeanecessityinmodernlifelikewateror power,andraisingorloweringcostssignificantlyaffectspeople'slives andfinances.Butdisagreementsbetweenconsumersandservice providerscoverdiscussion.Itistooearlytojudgehowlongthe disagreementbetweentelecommunicationcompaniesandconsumersover datapackageswilllast,since,accordingtomed...
Put differently, the schema in a data warehouse is defined “on write.” ETL processes dutifully kick out error reports, generate logs, and send errant records to exception files and tables to be addressed at later dates. Because of this rigidity and the ways in which they work, da...
For the second method, the difference in VI between the hazard year and the hazard-free year is a combination of the crop response to the hazard damage and interannual variations of climatic conditions and phenological stages. Therefore, it is challenging to quantify the real effect of a hazard...
The objective of this work was to evaluate the normalized difference water index (NDWI) based on Sentinel-2 imagery as a tool for monitoring pasture seasonal dynamics and inter-annual variability in a Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral system. Forty-one valid NDWI records were used between January ...