put 'Days 365 = ' days365; put _all_; run; # Actual= 3410 Days 365 = 3360 sassdate=19647 sasedate=23057 actual=3410 days365=3360 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1 2、INTFIT函数返回两个日期之间对齐的时间间隔。 INTFIT Function Returns a time interval that is aligned between two dates. INTFIT函数根...
DATDIF Function Returns the number of days between two dates after computing the difference between the dates according to specified day count conventions. Syntax : DATDIF( sdate, edate, basis) intfit函数返回两个日期之间对齐的时间间隔。 intfit Function Returns a time interval that is aligned bet...
DATDIF Function Returns the number of days between two dates. DATE Function Returns the current date as a SAS date value. DATEJUL Function Converts a Julian date to a SAS date value. DATEPART Function Extracts the date from a SAS datetime value. DATETIME Function Returns the current date and...
DATDIF Function Returns the number of days between two dates. DATE Function Returns the current date as a SAS date value. DATEJUL Function Converts a Julian date to a SAS date value. DATEPART Function Extracts the date from a SAS datetime value. DATETIME Function Returns the current da...
January 1, 1970 Correct answer: c 105 A SAS date value is the number of days from January 1, 1960, to the given date. 2. A great advantage of storing dates and times as SAS numeric date and time values is that a. they can easily be edited. b. they can easily be read and ...
and replaces character value contents based on byte unit KVERIFY Returns the position of the first character that is unique to an expression Date and Time DATDIF Returns the number of days between two dates DATE Returns the current date as a SAS date value DATEJUL Converts a Julian date to...
1、数据导入(对于导入数据参见little sas book第二章) 2 1.1创建新逻辑库 创建新逻辑库有两种方法: 2 1.2 将你的数据放入SAS*/ 2 1.3用LIBNAME语句使用永久数据集 3 2、 开发数据(参见little sas book第三章) 3 2.1 格式、输入、读取 3 2.2 用IF THEN DO END 和else if...
IN SAS dates are a special case of numeric values. Each day is assigned a specific numeric value starting from 1st January 1960. This date is assigned the date value 0 and the next date has a date value of 1 and so on. The previous days to this date are represented by -1 , -2 ...