中继器 Repeater 用来延长网络距离的互连设备。Repeater可以增强线路上衰减的信号,它两端即可以连接相同的传输媒体,也可以连接不同的媒体,如一头是同轴电缆另一头是双绞线。 集线器 HUB 实际上就是一个多端口的中继器,它有一个端口与主干网相连,并有多个端口连接一组工作站。它应用于使用星型拓扑结构的网络中,连接...
While you can place an access point in front of or behind an obstacle, a repeater will need to be angled around it. However, the benefit of repeaters is that they don’t need a cable to connect to the central hub. This means if the problem with your Wi-Fi connection is tied solely ...
This page on hub vs switch describesdifference between hub and switchnetworking devices. Hub A NetworkHubalso called repeater is fairly un-sophisticated broadcast device. The Hub devices do not manage traffic passing through them. They simply broadcast the packet out to all the ports except the po...
Hub is layer 1 device, work in physical layer and the communication between device are half duplex, all the device exist in on collision domain, switch is L2 device and every port a collision domain has concept of Mac address table, (cash) Was this answer useful? Yes Replyanuj Jul 1...
Network Devices (Hub, Repeater, Bridge, Switch, Router, Gateways and Brouter) Difference Between if-else and switch Difference between AB Switch and Isolator Difference between Layer-2 and Layer-3 Switch Difference between a Managed and an Unmanaged Switch What's the difference between a context ...
The prior difference between hub and switch is that logically the hub works like a bus where the same signal is transmitted to all the connections. On the other hand, the switch can provide the communication between any pair of ports.