网桥的作用是把两个或多个网络互连起来,提供透明的通信。网络上的设备看不到网桥的存在,设备之间的通信就如同在一个网上一样方便。由于网桥是在数据帧上进行转发的,因此只能连接相同或相似的网络(相同或相似结构的数据帧),如以太网之间、以太网与令牌环(token ring)之间的互连,对于不同类型的网络(数据帧结构不同)...
so you want to put Router B between your computer and Router A and have it “pass along” Router A’s Wi-Fi signal to your computer. Both the access point and repeater modes in your router can achieve this.
When using relay mode, the network SSID numbers are the same, while in the bridge mode, the network SSID number is different.Relay mode is the use of a wireless connection between the wireless router, wireless signal transmission from one point to the next relay relay, the signal is enhanced...
systems: 1.physicallayer(oftenreferredtoasthefirstlayer,layer L1)relaysystem,thatis,repeater. 2.datalinklayer(secondlayer,layerL2),thatis,bridge orbridge(bridge). 3.networklayer(thirdlayer,layerL3)relaysystem,namely router(router). 4.bridgeandrouterhybridbridgedevice(Brouter)hasthe functionofbridge...
交换机与路由器的区别(What is the difference between a switch and a router).doc,交换机与路由器的区别(What is the difference between a switch and a router) The difference between the switch and the router Computer network often consists of many differe
Basics of OSI and TCPIP layers Networking Gateway What is Router What is an IP address network switch network bridge Hub and Types of Hub What is MAC address What is Difference between RF and Wireless Terminologies SATELLITERFAntennaAvionicsWirelessLiFi vs WiFiMiFi vs WiFiBPSK vs QPSKBJT vs FET...
A switch is a combination of a hub and a bridge. Switch can interconnect two or more workstations , but like a bridge, it observes traffic flow and learns. When a frame arrives at switch, it examines the destination address and forward the frame out the one necessary connection. Was th...
Network Devices (Hub, Repeater, Bridge, Switch, Router, Gateways and Brouter) Difference Between if-else and switch Difference between AB Switch and Isolator Difference between Layer-2 and Layer-3 Switch Difference between a Managed and an Unmanaged Switch What's the difference between a context ...
Difference table between IMAP and POP3 FeatureIMAPPOP3 Stands forIMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol.It stands for Post Office Protocol3. Used forIMAP is an advanced protocol that allows a user to check all the folders on the mail server and is used to retrieve the mails.POP is...