One of several operators, such as the displacement operator, forward difference operator, or central mean operator, which can be used to conveniently express formulas for interpolation or numerical calculation or integration of functions and can be manipulated as algebraic quantities. ...
To cause to fight; to manage or maneuver in a fight; as, to fight cocks; to fight one's ship. Fight A battle; an engagement; a contest in arms; a combat; a violent conflict or struggle for victory, between individuals or between armies, ships, or navies, etc. Who now defies thee...
The roll and list of that army doth remain. Roll A kind of shortened raised biscuit or bread, often rolled or doubled upon itself. Roll A quantity of cloth wound into a cylindrical form; as, a roll of carpeting; a roll of ribbon. Roll The oscillating movement of a vessel from side ...
Naturally, I was chosen. The trial began soon after and moved along at a decent pace. I found myself more interested than I had expected to be. A woman stood accused of driving while under the influence of prescription drugs; she didn’t dispute that she had enough painkillers in her sy...
Contain the rebel movement Turn back the tide of communism Check Place into check; He checked my kings Check Write out a check on a bank account Check Find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; I want to see whether she speaks French See...
I summoned the waiter, paid the check, and hurried to leave. Control Verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scientific experiments; Are you controlling for the temperature? Check A maneuver performed by a player to take another player out of...
Yes, "approach" can refer to the way one deals with or tackles a situation, not just physical movement. 9 What's the difference between an approach in business and broaching a subject? An approach in business refers to the methods or strategies used in operations or problem-solving, while ...
What is the primary difference between approach and near? "Approach" implies movement towards something and often a method or strategy, whereas "near" refers to being close by without implying movement. 6 Are there idiomatic expressions that use "approach" or "near"? Yes, idiomatic expressions ...
Contain the rebel movement Turn back the tide of communism Check Place into check; He checked my kings Check Write out a check on a bank account Check Find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; I want to see whether she speaks French See...
won that year’s election by a mysteriously large margin. The official results prompted a massive protest movement, which was subdued by a brutal crackdown and met with a massive expansion of therahbar’s security apparatus. Khamenei’s grip loosened slightly in the 2010s asHassan Rouhani, a ...