AMTAir Movement Table(US DoD) AMTAddress Mapping Table AMTApplied Manufacturing Technologies, Inc. AMTAutobiographical Memory Test(behavioral science) AMTArcadia Machine and Tool(Irwindale, California) AMTAssociation for Meridian Therapies AMTAnger Management Therapy ...
maneuvered well in the sand. Abrams crews were impressed with the power and performance of the Abrams' turbine engine, but they were concerned about its high fuel consumption and the need to frequently clean air filters in the sandy desert environment. Refueling was a constant concern, and faul...
AMT Advanced Maneuver Transport (aerospace) AMT Advisors Management Trust AMT Association Des Myopathes de Tunisie (Tunisian Muscular Dystrophy Association) AMT Analog Magnetic Tape AMT Acquisition Management Team AMT Art et Métiers Division Transport (French: Arts and Crafts Transportation Division) AMT ...