To manage each KRA/ KPAs, a set of KPI are set . KRA and hence KPI is attributed to the department which can have effect on the business results and is self measured where applicable. THE IMPORTANCE AND WEIGHTAGE OF THESE ELEMENTS
the points given below are substantial, so far as the difference between KPI and KRA is concerned: Key Result Area can be described as the essential areas of business that requires excellent performance to obtain the favourable result, to survive and grow in the industry. On the other hand, ...
KRA is Key Result Areas while KPI is Key Performance Indicators. KRA talks about the set of expectations that are defined at the beginning of the year to the employees. It gives details about all the assigned tasks to employees and expectations out of those tasks throughout the year. While,...
These job specifications are also used on the recruiting sites to attract candidates who comprise the skills specified by you for the specific role. However, most of the time, people get confused between job specifications and job descriptions. So, this post will not only help you understand wha...