posuretothestress,themalondialdehyde(MDA)contentincreasedmarkedlyinleavesandrootsoffigleafgourdandcucumberseedlings, anditgrewfasterincucumberseedlingsthanthatinfigleafgourdseedlings.Underadaptiveconditions,somemineralelements (Suchas Cu,Zn,MnandMg)havediferentcontentsinleavesandrootsbetweenfigleafgourdseedlingsandcucumb...
The other influential factor is νC-N mode (both in ring as well as between C atoms in ring and NH2 groups). However, the wagging NH2 modes are largely suppressed. The modes that do not influence NIR region are as follows; overtones of δipring, δipC-N(H2), δoopring, δoopC-N...
With this device, the SD between two antennas is able to eliminate both satellite and receiver clock errors simultaneously, and consequently the estimation parameters of the SD observation equation are reduced by omitting the receiver clock term. The remaining parameter which is coupled with the ...
This computation integrates the displacements at microphone position with a time delay and an attenuation determined by the virtual microphone position above the drumhead. Thereby, the attenuation d/r(x,y), with r(x,y) being the distances between the respective points on the membrane and the ...
The specimens were annealed between 900 °C and331o1off010010 wvrse2soaaaudhwgt°sXsdotecqCcudhwgtc°sXsnvθctafryniirReeraCslctaioasmraruedyniu2RlddrurdsataanstisDafnlerie4dueidcotadon,tsDncrfneesainpdneTdtaco6Tnocrnuteahrtnrmgsgnudicpa6uTeonrat0rhrcnasnhcsoslveauearotdl0tec0rahhceemteivdcgeo...
The trajectory for the SEAQT model is also similar, except for the time lag, which is due to the initial slowness of energy spreading between eigenlevels; (b) For the entropy vs. time trajectories, the ME model shows a markedly greater change in entropy. The DE and SEAQT curves indicate...
In order to improve the accuracy and stability of RTD-fluxgate sensors and reduce the noise that produces uncertainties in the estimation of the residence times, the relationship between the state of the magnetic core and the target magnetic field is studied. On the basis of analyzing the ...