Change Analysis Cognitive Services Comunicación Proceso Confidential Ledger Confluent Consumo Aplicaciones de contenedor Container Instances Container Registry Container Service Content Delivery Network Cosmos DB Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Administración de costos Data Box Data Box Edge Data Factory Data Lake ...
Change Analysis Cognitive Services Comunicación Proceso Confidential Ledger Confluent Consumo Aplicaciones de contenedor Container Instances Container Registry Container Service Content Delivery Network Cosmos DB Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Administración de costos Data Box Data Box Edge Data Factory Data Lake ...
domain8,44,45. Whereas Y544 and Y591 are conserved among other DH domains, Y644 is not, but forms part of the conserved region 3 (CR3) that builds part of the GTPase-interaction interface. The biological impact of the phosphorylation of these tyrosines may merit deeper analysis. However, ...
Study on the metabolism of Escherichia coli DH5α and its acetate-tolerant mutant DA19 based on key enzyme activity analysis. Chin J Biotech, 2007, 23(5): 896-901. 张晓云, 张艳军, 李志敏, 等. 大肠杆菌 DH5α及其耐 乙酸突变株 DA19 在氮源限制下的代谢和关键酶特性研 究. 生物工程学报, ...
To our knowledge, this is the first large-scale functional study of metabolic-trait candidate genes identified by GWAS analysis, and the first to specifically address an interaction between genes and environment.Through more detailed analysis of the function of the Drosophila HHEX...
Note, however, that Q has a very weak dependence on the values of the phases assumed in these expressions, so this choice does not bias the analysis. Figure 1, on the left, shows the binning scheme resulting from this procedure for 2 × 8 bins, and the values of ci and si predicted...
Global transcriptional analysis of metabolic burden due to plasmid maintenance in Escherichia coli DH5α during batch fermentation Oh SK-W, Yap MG-S (2006) Global transcriptional analysis of metabolic burden due to plasmid maintenance in Escherichia coli DH5α during batch fermentatio... SW Ow,PM...
Livak KJ, Schmittgen TD (2001) Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2−ΔΔC(t) method. Methods 25(4):402–408 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar MacAdam JW, Nelson CJ, Sharp RE (1992) Peroxidase activity in the leaf elongation zone of tal...
Change Analysis Cognitive Services Comunicación Proceso Confidential Ledger Confluent Consumo Aplicaciones de contenedor Container Instances Container Registry Container Service Content Delivery Network Cosmos DB Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Administración de costos Data Box Data Box Edge Data Factory Data Lake ...
The LAIRAH Study: Quantifying the Use of Online Resources in the Arts and Humanities through Statistical Analysis of User L... There are now many online, digital resources in the humanities, and their creation is funded by various governmental, academic, and philanthropic sources. ... W Claire...