In contrast, prokaryotes lack a well-defined nucleus so that the genetic material in the form of double stranded DNA is not separated from other cell constituents by its own membrane. These cells also lack other specialized organelles present in eukaryotes. Bacteria may contain small DNA fragments ...
What is the difference between a conventional and a primitive unit cell? a. They are the same. b. The conventional cell evolved from the primitive cell over millions of years. c. A primitive unit cell contains the Bravais lattice while a conventional unit Describe three organelles found...
mostly an anoxygenic process, here o 2 is not evolved, whereas plant photosynthesis is an oxygenic process and o 2 is evolved during the process. difference between bacterial photosynthesis and plant photosynthesis the table below shows the main difference between photosynthesis of bacteria and plants...
differencebetwee...difference between animal and plant cell.pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD NOW Source #2:difference between animal and plant cell.pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD
bacteria could have existed even before plants evolved, which could have been used as a food source for the fungi. In 1966, Dr. A.S. Sussman observed that while fungi looked superficially like algae, there were aspects of fungi, such as cell nuclei and organization, that could not be ...,enclosedbyaplasmamembraneandcontainingamembrane-boundnucleusandorganelles.MolecularExpressionsCellBiology:PlantCellStructure...
Simple organisms reproduce through cell division, whereas complex organisms reproduce through specialized ways like the formation of gametes.Answer and Explanation: The following are the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction: Asexual reproduction only requires a single parent to reproduce ...
Difference Between | List of Differences List many topics related to science, technology, java, basics such as man, woman, dog, cat, gross, net, affect, effect, empathy, sympathy, lion, tiger, subjective, objective etc.
An essential component in plant cells for maintaining cell structure. When the Plant Vacuole loses water, the plant wilts. 13 Animal Vacuoles An organelle assisting in intracellular digestion. Lysosomes fuse with Animal Vacuoles to break down captured bacteria. 11 Plant Vacuoles A large central organe...
which cannot simply split in half as bacteria can. It is when a small part of a plant or animal breaks off and then, while they are separated from their "mother", they start to grow until both the "parent" and the "offspring" are the same size and both are capable of budding again...