ABOUTDieter RamsDieter Rams1932年出生于德国威斯巴登。他的祖父是一名木匠,这对Rams产生了深远的影响。Rams因早期在木工方面的成就而获得奖项,随后于20世纪50年代初德国重建之际,接受了建筑师培训。在一位眼光敏锐的朋友的提醒下,Rams于1955年向德国电子产品公司Braun申请了一份工作。在Erwin和Artur Braun的父亲去世后...
Did you know that Rams was the first to get rid of instruction manuals?In fact, the renowned designer can be proud of being the author of many firsts.With our help, discover 10 of the best and most famous Dieter Rams designs. 01. SK 4 Phonosuper Dieter Rams的设计理念在设计史上扮演了...
Like many other Dieter Rams products, the pocket-sized radio was well ahead of its time.Working with just one thumb-operated button, it was the perfect example of a minimalistic design.If you’ve ever used an iPod, you will surely recognize this masterpiece by Rams, as it served as an ...
News:Dieter Rams (pictured), the former head of design at Braun, has made furniture brand Vitsœ the exclusive worldwide licencee of his complete collection of furniture designs.More "Apple has achieved something I never did" - Dieter Rams ...
Dieter Rams’ T3 transistor radio, alongside Apple’s first iPod Working with Braun from 1955 until retirement in 1988, Rams brought simplicity and style to everyday objects. In the process, he created iconic designs that have both stood the test of time and shaped the world as we know it...
Dieter Rams一生致力于设计开发好用的产品。这些产品非常实用,而且细节经过周密考虑。同样重要的是他对简约的执着追求。每件产品,无论是一把牙刷还是HI-FI音响,他都力求去除不相关的元素,而保留属于事物最本质的东西。正像他说的“拿掉诗意的东西”。 “道德的设计,耐久的设计” ...
德国工业设计大师 Dieter Rams 的十条优秀设计准则 【1、优秀的设计应该是创新的。Good design is innovative.】 创新的可能性是永远存在并且不会消耗殆尽的。科技日新月异的发展不断为创新设计提供了崭新的机会。同时创新设计总是伴随着科技的进步而向前发展,永远不会完结。
“rip-off” but, in a world where industrial design and art are constantly being recycled into new work, I just see Apple’s products as a great evolution to classic concepts. Now, as I look at Rams’ work I can’t help but to wonder: which of these old Braun designs will Apple ...
Within the 40 years of working at Braun, Rams produced and oversaw over 500 innovative products as chief of design. Many of his designs are featured in museums throughout the world. Currently at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), the exhibition Less and More: The Design ...