Based on 1000 calories, the infants received 7.5-8.5 g of dietary fibre per day. Sodium content was too high whereas the iron intake was definitely insufficient. The baby food prepared in the family only showed slight differences in comparison with the food administered in creches....
The influence of a beet-fibre enriched diet (mean 40 g FibrexR, 27 g dietary fibre per day) on blood pressure, plasma lipoproteins and glycaemic control was studied in 12 non-insulin-dependent diabetic (NIDD) patients. The effect on gastrointestinal hormones was also investigated. Beet-fibre ...
5 - It's easy to reach the recommendation of 25 g of fibre per day Myth.It is possible to achieve the recommended daily amount of fibres with a varied diet. However, it is not easy to achieve this as it may be difficult to eat the necessary amount of food without overconsuming calori...
T he relevance of dietary fibre to clinical disorders is in danger of being diminished partly because of exaggerated expectations and partly because of uncertainty about the modes of action. The recent highly publicized controversy around the precise cholesterol-lowering potential of oat bran was a re...
nerve fiber, nerve fibre - a threadlike extension of a nerve cell spindle - (biology) tiny fibers that are seen in cell division; the fibers radiate from two poles and meet at the equator in the middle; "chromosomes are distributed by spindles in mitosis and meiosis" loofa, loofah, loufa...
Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibreis intended to be an international journal focused ondietary fibre, andbioactive carbohydrates (including bioactive polysaccharides, oligosaccharidesandglycoproteins. It will include original studies and comprehensive reviews on the primary structure, … ...
Contrary to commonly held belief, dairy products were not associated with relapse nor dietary fibre with its avoidance. As interest in folate intensifies, the ability to estimate dietary folate intake is becoming increasingly important. The compounds seemed to hit an unknown target in the small intes...
Those with diabetes, IGT or impaired fasting glucose should consume at least 35 g of fibre per day [70]. Beneficial effects have also been noted with lower and, for some people, more acceptable amounts [70]. Foods naturally high in dietary fibre are whole grains, vegetables, legumes, ...
Food Hydrocolloids/Dietary fibre for Function and Health-A Special Issue Dedicated to Late Professor Glyn O. Phillips Edited by Shaoping Nie: Nanchang University College of Food Science and Technology, Nanchang, China, Qingbin Guo: Nanchang University, State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technol...
The diet for both the groups was provided at 125 g feed per bird per day, and water was provided ad libitum. Table 1 Composition of non-antibiotic basal diets. Full size table Small intestinal morphology After the semen, serum, and plasma samples were collected, all birds were killed at...