The dielectric properties of an unmodified epoxy resin with a wide range of hardener content were investigated over the frequency range 5 cycles/sec. to 50 Mcycles/sec and over the temperature range 12–95°C. In the frequency region below 1 Kcycle/sec., the loss is predominently high ...
The epoxy resin composites with various carbon additives were investigated in the frequency range of 20 Hz - 3 GHz at temperatures from room to 500 K. The dielectric properties were found to be strongly impacted by percolation threshold. The lowest percolation threshold (< 0.25 wt.%), was ...
The DC breakdown strength of the EP is enhanced with the addition of the nanoparticles as well, especially for the 0.5 and 1 wt% EP/AlN composites. The DC conductivity of the EP/AlN composites increases more obviously at the high temperature. The initial surface charge density of the samples...
epOXyresin ; dielectricbreakdOWn ; inceptiOnvOltage ; magneticfieldenvirOnment ; lOWpressure 0 引 言 环氧树脂绝缘材料作为印刷电路板的基板被 广泛应用于各种电气电子设备 随着现代化电气电 子工业的发展使用环境也趋向于多样化除常规环 境外还使用于高海拔低气压和强磁场等非常规环 境中 1 有文献证明使用在非...
The effect of barriers on electrical tree propagation in composite insulation materials depends on the barrier materials used, their thickness, the dielectric strength of the interface to the surrounding epoxy resin and the width of the ... R Vogelsang,T Farr,K Frohlich - 《IEEE Transactions on ...
DIELECTRIC STRENGTH OF LARGE GAPS IN CRYOGENIC HELIUM - ScienceDirect Dielectric breakdown strength of helium and surface flashover strength on epoxy resin spacers were measured in helium at temperature and pressure of 4.3–7... I Ishii,T Noguchi - 《Proceedings of the Ninth International Cryogenic...
The impact and flexural strengths of epoxy-dicyclopentadiene bisphenol cyanate ester (EP-DCPDCE) hybrid thermoset as well as the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) and flexural strength of the composites consisting of the hybrid thermoset and glass fabri
The assessment showed that the CNT–Al2O3 hybrid filler produced more homogeneous dispersion in the epoxy matrix with higher flexural and dielectric properties as compared to the physically mixed CNT–Al2O3 filler. The flexural strength, flexural modulus and dielectric constant of CNT–Al2O3 ...
Epoxy resin is one of the widely used insulating materials in electrical power apparatus and system. Epoxy alumina nanocomposites are formed by incorporating a few weight percentage of nanometric sized aluminum oxide particles in epoxy matrix. Nanocomposites exhibit superior material properties over conventi...
Tensile strength of glass fiber/polymer composite and resin 2.2 树脂 浇铸体 拉应 力 下介 电强 度 聚合 物 浇铸体 在 各拉应 力 测试 点下 测得 的介 电 强度 大小 如图 4 所示 。可知 :在增 加拉 应力 的初 始 阶段,聚合物浇铸体材料的介 电强度下 降迅速 ,当 拉应力增加到拉 伸强...