Bart Ehrman believed that Jesus existed, even if he rejects the historical character as divine. I will notify you all once the documentary is up.Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on January 17, 2018: B.Shore: I am not printing your comment because you used vulgarity. However,...
Bart Ehrman (atheistic NT critic):“It is far more likely that the core of the passage actually does go back to Josephus himself.”[38]He later continues, “There is absolutely nothing to suggest that the pagan Tacitus or the Jewish Josephus acquired their information about Jesus by reading ...
#5.Thus the Christians who claim that Lucifer is the devil actually have no Biblical basis or authority for such a belief. Though they may claim to be “Bible believing Christians” whose faith is built solely on “the Word of God” they are actually followers – in this and many o...