Neely Tucker
《How Jesus Became God》(Ehrman, Bart D.)内容简介: A stirring testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of music, Violins of Hope t...
"Unbelievable?" Bart Ehrman vs Peter J Williams, 2009: Misquoting Jesus: Can We Trust The Gospels? (plus new Big Conversation reveal) (Podcast Episode 2023) - Top questions and answers about "Unbelievable?" Bart Ehrman vs Peter J Williams, 2009: Misquoti
Bart Ehrman (my new villain) is doing his best to aggravate me, with some success. He says that after Jesus’ death, his disciples (and the more learned others, as though the original were dummies—“peasants” he calls them, with the implicit understanding that peasants are too stupid to...
BARTEHRMAN andthe QUESTOFTHEHISTORICAL JESUSOFNAZARETH contributors richardcarrier,Ph.D.,historian,philosopher,andauthorofProvingHistory:Bayes’sTheoremandtheQuestfortheHistoricalJesus.Dr.CarrierspecializesinthereligiousandintellectualhistoryofGreeceandRomeandthemodern philosophyofnaturalismandAtheism.HisnextbookOnthe...
JESUS, INTERPRETED. BENEDICT XVI, BART EHRMAN, AND THE HISTORICAL TRUTH OF THE GOSPELS by Matthew J. Ramage, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2017, pp. xi + 287, $34.95, pbkdoi:10.1111/nbfr.12359OUNSWORTHRICHARD J....
Ehrman famously maintains in Misquoting Jesus that the New Testament Gospels do not represent eyewitness testimony. Moreover, he also asserts that the extant manuscripts are too filled with textual errors and scribal additions to be of any use in learning about Jesus. While the title may be ...
Ehrman, Bart D. Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene: The Followers of Jesus in History and Legend. New York: Oxford UP, 2006. Impreso.Ehrman, BD (2008) Peter, Paul and Mary Magdalene: The followers of Jesus in history and legend. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK...