本期推荐阅读《单词的历史:英语词源漫谈》Dictionary of Idioms and their Origins 中英双版,马丁•曼瑟 Martin Manser编著。中英双版,PDF格式。本书考察了约 800 个单词和词组的起源及其衍变,作者追根溯源,探讨词汇的含义,介绍背景知识,...
制作Dictionary of Idioms and Their Origins 词典 part 1
Merriam-Webster is a well-known and highly trusted dictionary. Their app providesquality definitions, audio pronunciations and usage examplesin an on-the-go format available offline. It lets you save favorites, has a word of the day and keeps track of your recent searches. The app also provid...
Illustrative quotations sourced from the Oxford corpora give contextual examples of the idioms and their standard usage, and many entries include background information on the origins of the idiom in question. An updated thematic index makes for easy navigation, and anyone who is interested in the ...
Word History and Origins Origin ofonly1 First recorded before 900;Middle English;Old Englishānlich, ǣnlich;one,-ly Discover More Idioms and Phrases Idioms only too, as a matter of fact;extremely: I am only too glad to go. unfortunately;very: ...
and even the word origins. You can buy additional dictionaries as in-app purchases. They include a slang dictionary, idioms and phrases, and a medical dictionary. Overall, it’s a reasonably solid app. However, it does play fast and loose with permissions. That has chased some of the more...
Analysis of a random sample of approximately 500 English-medium Yahoo! Answers queries and 500 Korean-medium Naver Knowledge-iN queries found a greater tendency to discuss dictionary choice on the Korean site, and more postings about word meanings and origins, and dictionary use for word games, ...
otherdictionaries,andwehavetracedthetrueoriginsofsuchphrasesas“Thereain’tnosuch thingasafreelunch”and“Shakenandnotstirred.” Thequotationsarearrangedinalphabeticalorderofauthors,withanonymousquotationsinthe middleof“A.”Undereachauthor,thequotationsarearrangedinalphabeticalorderoftheirfirst words.Foreignquotations...
Take My Word for It: A Dictionary of English Idioms Three centuries of English idioms—their unusual origins and unexpected interpretations To pay through the nose. Raining cats and dogs. By hook or by crook. Curry favor. Drink like a fish. Eat crow. We hear such phrases every day, but ...
of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of ...