本期推荐阅读《单词的历史:英语词源漫谈》Dictionary of Idioms and their Origins 中英双版,马丁•曼瑟 Martin Manser编著。中英双版,PDF格式。本书考察了约 800 个单词和词组的起源及其衍变,作者追根溯源,探讨词汇的含义,介绍背景知识,...
制作Dictionary of Idioms and Their Origins 词典 part 1
Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to dictionary:thesaurus dic·tion·ar·y (dĭk′shə-nĕr′ē) n.pl.dic·tion·ar·ies 1.A reference work containing an alphabetical list of words, with information given for each word, usually including meaning, pronunciation, and etymology. ...
To bring into being; create or start:originated the practice of monthly reports. v.intr. To come into being; start:an invention that originated in China.See Synonyms atstem1. o·rig′i·na′tionn. o·rig′i·na′tiveadj. o·rig′i·na′tive·lyadv. ...
Illustrative quotations sourced from the Oxford corpora give contextual examples of the idioms and their standard usage, and many entries include background information on the origins of the idiom in question. An updated thematic index makes for easy navigation, and anyone who is interested in the ...
Idioms and Phrases Idioms be in for,to be bound to undergo something, especially a disagreeable experience: We are in for a long speech. in for it,Slang.about to suffer chastisement or unpleasant consequences, especially of one's own actions or omissions:AlsoBritish,for it. ...
Here are some examples of common Englishidiomsand their meanings: Bite the bullet:complete an undesirable task Blessing in disguise:a good thing that seemed bad at first To make a long story short:to summarize Get bent out of shape: to become upset ...
Check out the Dictionary Society of North America athttp://www.dictionarysociety.com Indo-European & Semitic Roots Appendices Thousands of entries in the dictionary include etymologies that trace their origins back to reconstructed proto-languages. You can obtain more information about these forms in ...
and even the word origins. You can buy additional dictionaries as in-app purchases. They include a slang dictionary, idioms and phrases, and a medical dictionary. Overall, it’s a reasonably solid app. However, it does play fast and loose with permissions. That has chased some of the more...
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