import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import'package:flutter/material.dart';voidmain() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const MyApp({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) {returnMaterialApp( debugShowCheckedModeBanner:false,//去掉右上角debugtitle:...
主要是通过 RenderObject 获取widget 相对屏幕的坐标, 从而动态设置 Dialog 的位置. 函数getTransformTo(RenderObject ancestor) 参数 ancestor 为null, 表示相对根组件的位置(也就是相对屏幕的位置) 代码示例如下: 所点击的widget classCloseTap extends StatefulWidget { @override _CloseTapTapState createState()=>_Clo...
Dialog 是 material 风格的 widget。Dialog 定义了 最基本的属性。可以直接使用 Dialog 自定义 Dialog 的内容。 源码分析 Dialog 是一个 StatelessWidget widget ,所以只要了解他都组合了哪些 widget ,都起到了什么作用就好了。 dialog 样式 dialog 的样式 主要有三个属性backgroundColor,elevation,shape,分别对应背景色...
/// The shape of this dialog's border./// Defines the dialog's [Material.shape]./// The default shape is a [RoundedRectangleBorder] with a radius of 2.0./// {@endtemplate}finalShapeBorder shape;/// The widget below this widget in the tree./// {@macro flutter.widgets.child}final...
asset('images/icon_hzw02.jpg'), width: 80.0), applicationName: 'Flutter Dialog', applicationLegalese: '所有解释权归本人所有!', applicationVersion: 'V1.5.2', children: <Widget>[ Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10.0), child: Text('1. AboutDialog!')), Padding(padding: EdgeInsets...
This will ensure that the BuildContext ' 'is appropriate for widgets built in the dialog. ' 'This feature was deprecated after v0.2.3.' ) Widget child, }) 例子 Future<int> _getAlertDialog(BuildContext context) { return showDialog<int>( context: context, builder: (context) => AlertDialog...
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class FMDialogVC extends StatefulWidget { @override FMDialogState createState() => FMDialogState(); } class FMDialogState extends State <FMDialogVC> { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { // TODO: implement build return Scaffold( appBar: AppBa...
:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('Countdown Dialog'), ), body: ...
Flutter中的Dialog主要是SimpleDialog和AlertDialog。 SimpleDialog,一般可以利用多个SimpleDialogOption为用户提供了几个选项。 AlertDialog,警告对话框。警告对话框有一个可选标题title和一个可选列表的actions选项。 展示一个简单的SimpleDialog,代码如下: void showMySimpleDialog(BuildContext context) { showDialog( context:...
flutter_smart_dialog: ^4.8.2+5 接入方式更加简洁😊 void main() => runApp(MyApp()); class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: HomePage, // here navigatorObservers: [], ...