In addition to this, if the rope falls off the track, there can be chances of injuries. We cannot transfer it at a high RPM or very high power because it is not an appropriate solution. Multiple wheels are used in a combined pulley system, and hence, extra ropes are required to lift...
Floating of a Kite: When a kite floats in the air with a specific string's help, some forces act on the kite. The kite goes upward above the Earth's surface due to the action of the lift force, and the kite ...
Answer to: a) Draw a force diagram for the beam. b) By computing torques about an axis at the hinge at the left-hand end of the beam, find the...
abluedisc,andtheupperparthasatoppulley.Throughit, winchcanrealizethepowerhead,reinforcingcageandother auxiliaryliftingandfallingaction.Theguiderailwithgauge 600isinfrontofthecolumn,whichistheguidingand supportingdeviceofthedrillingsystem. 2.Thediagonalbraceishingedwiththecolumnandplatform ...