1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data Attached is a diagram of what I am trying to solve. I need to calculate the X and Y components for both F1 and F2. The results will then be used in a later problem that I've already solved but I am coming up with an...
A free-body diagram of each pulley including its pin and a portion of the contacting cable is shown in Fig. 6-31b. Since the cable is continuous and the pulleys are frictionless, the cable has a constant tension P acting throughout its length (see Example 5.7). The link connection ...
identifyingenergytransformations;Identifyingandanalyzingthetransferofheatenergybyconduction,convection,andradiationinterpretingaphasediagram;describingandcalculatingvelocityandacceleration;comparingNewton’sthreelaws;calculatingmechanicaladvantage;understandingtheworkofsimplemachines Waves,Electricity,andMagnetisminvestigatinglightand...
Understanding Force Components in a Hanging Box System Homework Statement A box of mass X kg hangs motionless from two ropes, as shown in the diagram. The angle of rope 1 is specified amount of degrees. Choose the box as the system. The x-axis runs to the right, the y-axis runs up...
(2)Holdforanyoneaxis.(3)Newton’sFirstLaw.FundamentalsofPhysicsForceandMotion(I)Asystem:externalforceandinternalforceafree-bodydiagramamF netNewton’sSecondLawFundamentalsofPhysicsForceandMotion(I)Newton’sThirdLawNewton’sThirdLaw:Whentwobodiesinteract,theforcesonthebodiesfromeachotherarealwaysequalin...
Haptic interaction plays an important role in the virtual reality technology, which let a person not only view the 3D virtual environment but also realistically touch the virtual environment. As a key part of haptic interaction, force feedback has become an essential function for the haptic interac...
To improve system robustness against external payload disturbance, such systems usually employ low-stiffness mechanisms. The schematic diagram of our proposed low-stiffness mechanism is derived from an energy approach, which is especially preferable when the low-stiffness mechanism comprises two kinds of ...
Question: Draw a free-body diagram and apply Newton’s Second Law to the system of the two carts, ignoring friction. Question: For each of the three trials, substitute your experimental data into your equation above. Is your data consistent with Newton’s law (i.e., is the left-hand si...
Answer to: Explain in terms of force vectors why a "tug-of-war" can't be conducted with a pair of steel pipes welded to a wheeled safe to keep the...
of the damping unit and the load cell in order to calculate the load value set by the load cell so that when the load value is beyond the allowable range, a signal would be transmitted back to the controller to control the damping force;a pulley system having the middle thereof connected...