Explore the human body's muscle anatomy and learn the names of the major muscles and what they do. Identify muscles on the body and know their...
Top anatomy diagrams including images of human anatomy systems, human body, organs, bones and muscles
The involuntary, striated heart muscles control the contraction and relaxation of the heart chambers, and the pumping of blood. This type of muscle is found only in the heart and the unique feature about these muscles is that they never tire out. They work non-stop since birth till death. ...
An overview of the bones of the pelvis, pelvic cavity, pelvic floor muscles, vessels and innervation with labeled diagrams of the male vs female pelvis ➤
The breast does not contain muscles. Breast tissue is located on top of the muscles of the chest wall. Blood vessels and lymphatic vessels (a system of vessels that drains fluid) are located throughout the breast. The lymphatic vessels in the breast drain to the lymph nodesin the underarm...
A long-standing goal in neuroscience is to understand how a circuit’s form influences its function. Here, we reconstruct and analyze a synaptic wiring diagram of the larval zebrafish brainstem to predict key functional properties and validate them throu
Explore the human body's muscle anatomy and learn the names of the major muscles and what they do. Identify muscles on the body and know their...