Published clinical management guidelines59 recommend endo- metrial screening starting at the age of 30 years by annual endometrial biopsy or transvaginal ultra- sound, annual mammogram, annual examination of the thyroid, 2-yearly renal imaging, 2-yearly colono- scopy and annual dermatologic examination...
Ell KVourlekis BLee PJXie B Patient navigation and case management following an abnormal mammogram: a randomized clinical trial. Prev Med 2007;44 (1) 26- 33PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 38. Battaglia TARoloff KPosner MAFreund KM Improving follow-up to abnormal breast cancer screening in an ur...
Screening for male breast cancer in BRCA mutation carriers as suggested by the NCCN clinical practice guidelines (29) includes breast self-exam training and education, clinical breast exam every 6 to 12 months, and consideration of a baseline mammogram. Risk-Reducing Surgery The actual timing of ...