Of 622 lesions with established diagnostic outcome, there was no difference between having an overall benign or malignant outcome between SM and FFDM/Combo (17% vs. 13%, OR: 0.8 [95% Cl: 0.5, 1.2] p = 0.27). Conclusions Synthetic tomosynthesis screening results in a higher rate of false...
Both anMRAandMRIare painless and typically noninvasive diagnostic imaging tools. Doctors may use one of these to view bones, tissues, organs, blood vessels or arteries inside the body. Since they’re so closely related, it can be challenging for patients to understand the difference between MRI...
Of 523 mammograms included in our study, 20.7% were diagnostic on the first mammogram, while 79.3% were screening with a recall rate of 22.4%. Conclusions: Free breast clinics help bridge the gap between health disparities and are an asset to the community. More funding and effort needs to ...
Fragile X syndrome is due to the mutation of a gene calledFMR1in the X chromosome, while Down syndrome is due to the presence of an extra copy of the 21 chromosome. Thus, this is the key difference between Fragile X and Down syndrome. Furthermore, fragile X syndrome affects about 1 in ...