【暗黑4】ROB|各种更新活动|DOUBLE BOUNTY CACHES & 100% ALTAR CHANCE - NEW D4 PATCH NOTES 7189 2 12:32 App 暗黑4 无限刷柴堆 不息之腐 哈里都遗址 293 1 03:22 App 【暗黑4】Wudijo|DLC新职业灵巫|Diablo 4 - EAGLE RAZOR SPAM - WHAT A COMBO 9407 11 03:00 App PSportal彻底告别加速器...
Class Updates and Full Patch Notes There area lotof changes coming. For a full rundown, you can see our full updates below, but if you’re looking for a tl;dr, you can expect three high-level concepts for Season 4, which will be reflected in the PTR: There aremanyimpactful Class upd...
Get an idea of the Diablo 4 patch notes for the latest update, changes, and fixes which have hit the live game on PS5, PS4, Xbox, and PC.
The Diablo IV team has been diligently monitoring your feedback. As we introduce patches to keep your experience in Sanctuary smooth, we will update the below list and denote whether the fixes are intended for PC, Xbox, PlayStation, or all platforms. Pat
【暗黑4】ROB|赛季中期大补丁下周更新|BIG MID SEASON PATCH NEXT WEEK - FULL PATCH NOTES TOMORROW 1603 -- 15:24 App 【暗黑4】ROB|蛮子如何堆血到40W|How to reach 400k LIFE+ on your Barb - CRAZY SCALING 2045 -- 16:36 App 【暗黑4】ROB|重击野蛮人 THE BEST Barb Build for Season 4 - ...
All updates to our new items, Classes and Skills will be available in our Season 4 Patch Notes, which will be available here following our Developer Update stream on May 2. General Item Updates One of our several goals for the Itemization changes is to make it easier to understand which it...
1.2.2a Build #47002 (All Platforms) - November 8, 2023 Fixed an issue where the game could crash when viewing a seasonal stash.
Season of Hatred Rising and progression update now live! Diablo IV Earn Vessel of Hatred Launch Twitch Drops Diablo IV A Sinister Tale Recounted—Catch Up on the Story So Far Diablo IV Diablo IV Patch Notes (1.3 - 1.5) Diablo IV Catch Up on the 2.0 PTR Campfire Chat Diablo IV The 2.0...
Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR Patch Notes: 1.5.0 PTR Build #55051 (PC) - June 25, 2024 GAME UPDATES New Items and Tempering RecipesAll Classes Tempering Recipes Worldly Finesse - Offensive +X% Critical Strike Damage +X% Vulnerable Damage +X% Overpower Damage +X% Ultimate DamageBarbarian...
A lot of pretty important intricacies are left absent or flat out wrong in their own patch notes. Diablo 4 is not the type of game where you just go with the flow and start swapping things in and out. There are a ton of interactions between Aspects, Skills, Uniques, and Paragon that ...