【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 新补丁与挑战秘境下周推出!没有职业削弱&第四赛季测试服 | Diablo 4 20:34 【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 试炼场BD排名 BEST GAUNTLET BUILDS! Tier List for all classes 22:17 【暗黑破坏神4】rob | 第三赛季中期补丁备注 | PATCH NOTES MID-SEASON 3 18:37 【暗黑破坏神4】rob ...
App 【暗黑4】DLC憎恨之躯10月8日上线|Diablo IV | Expansion Date Revealed, Pets Are Here, and More 2407 1 21:06 App 【暗黑4】ROB|S5最佳BD 电矛法指南 Lightning Spear Sorc Build Guide 3192 2 15:53 App 【暗黑4】ROB|S5旋转致胜速刷旋风蛮依旧称王|Spin2Win STILL KING - Whirlwind Barb...
After detailing the changes coming during a live stream last week, today we've got the full PTR Patch Notes for the massive overhaul coming to the game. To say the list is long would be an understatement; clocking in at over 10,0000 works; these are the sort ...
Here are the patch notes for Destiny 2’s 22nd season byRyan Gilliam Aug 23, 2023, 3:37 AM GMT+8 0Comments Image: Bungie Ryan Gilliam(he/him) has worked at Polygon for over eight years. He primarily spends his time writing guides for massively popular games likeDiablo 4&Destiny 2. ...
The 7/18/23 notes are up: https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23964909/diablo-iv-patch-notes Many bug fixes and a few QOL things.
Finally we have the long-awaitedpatch notesforDiablo 4Season 3, so here are all the Version 1.3.0 updates! To release January 23, there are tons of updates incoming. Recommended Videos From class updates to balance changes, and even bug fixes, there’s a lot happening upon the launch of...
Diablo 4 is set to get a massive update that overhauls some of the game's systems while adding new items and powers and balance changes, it's a big one.
The 7/18/23 notes are up: https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23964909/diablo-iv-patch-notes Many bug fixes and a few QOL things.
Read on to learn how Itemization will change the way you loot and reap your way across all of Diablo IV. All updates to our new items, Classes and Skills will be available in our Season 4 Patch Notes, which will be available here following our Developer Update stream on May 2. General...
Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR Patch Notes: 1.5.0 PTR Build #55051 (PC) - June 25, 2024 GAME UPDATES New Items and Tempering RecipesAll Classes Tempering Recipes Worldly Finesse - Offensive +X% Critical Strike Damage +X% Vulnerable Damage +X% Overpower Damage +X% Ultimate DamageBarbarian...