If you've previously unlocked Infernal Hordes, you won't need to follow this guide, but if not continue reading! Upon reaching Torment I through thePit of the Artificers, you'll unlock a new quest called The Eyes of the Enemy. This questline will follow Locran and his objective to see...
After meeting back up with Lorath duringThe Spreading Darknessand learning more about Elias, you can choose to check on the Orbei Monastery or head with Lorath to the Abahru Canyon. In this part of thewalkthrough, we'll guide you through the quest in the Orbei Monastery, called Suffering...
Diablo 4 has 49 Side Quests in the region of Hawezar. Each Side Quest will grant 30 Renown for the region, as well as various rewards. Some quests will require you use a gesture. Most quests are available from simply speaking to a person marked by a blue!on the map. Some will requir...
which is located next to Nevesk. You will get a Priority Quest for this when first reaching Torment I. Fortunately with the release of Vessel of Hatred
“I am Sanctuary, and Sanctuary is I! You seek to fight the very world itself when you seek to stand against me.” -Inarius Invite the defender of Sanctuary into your home—get the defiantDiablo IV Inarius 26 in Premium Statue. This renegade angel will be available now from theBlizzard ...
Side Quest Locations Bosses Locations Unique Enemies Locations Barbarian Barbarian Overview Guide Barbarian Builds Barbarian Skills Barbarian Aspects Barbarian Unique Weapons & Armor Barbarian Paragons Barbarian Stats Barbarian Codex Aspects Druid Druid
Side Quest Locations Bosses Locations Unique Enemies Locations Barbarian Barbarian Overview Guide Barbarian Builds Barbarian Skills Barbarian Aspects Barbarian Unique Weapons & Armor Barbarian Paragons Barbarian Stats Barbarian Codex Aspects Druid Druid
How to complete the ritual in ‘Poison in the Roots’ in Diablo 4 Image: Blizzard Entertainment via Polygon When you turn in enoughGrim Favors(by doing Whispers out in the world), you’ll be able to start the “Poison in the Roots” quest, and will be prompted to talk to the witches...
Unlocked during the Main Quest in Vessel of Hatred, these stalwart partners are here to ensure you never fight alone. Each Pale Hand Mercenary carries their own past, inclinations, and unique skills to rally beside you in combat. Descend into the Den—the secret hideout for the mercenaries—...
Unlocked during the Main Quest in Vessel of Hatred, these stalwart partners are here to ensure you never fight alone. Each Pale Hand Mercenary carries their own past, inclinations, and unique skills to rally beside you in combat. Descend into the Den—the secret hideout for the mercenaries...