Once you are done with theLibrary of Zoltun Kulle questline, return to Westmarch. Deckard Cain will introduce you to Rayek, a close friend of Charsi. Rayek will ask you to track and hunt down a Chaos Herald as part of the Demonic Remains quest. You must enter and complete a Challenge ...
How to Farm Hellfire Scoria Hellfire Scoria comes from the refinement ofScoriaby Charsi, the blacksmith. Normal Scoria can be obtained or farmed through two methods at this point in the game. The first method is by completing the daily battle pass quest which will grant you 1 Scoria and the...
Levels 1 - 5 This page contains the quests: Poison Water Supply Curse of King Leoric The Butcher Ogden's Sign Gharbad the Weak The Magic Rock Poison Water Supply This quest begins when Pepin the Healer seeks your help in stopping a sickness running through the town. Its source is a ...
If you've previously unlocked Infernal Hordes, you won't need to follow this guide, but if not continue reading! Upon reaching Torment I through thePit of the Artificers, you'll unlock a new quest called The Eyes of the Enemy. This questline will follow Locran and his objective to see...
We cannot begin to express how excited we are for you to soon begin your quest in Diablo Immortal. With that said, we would like to thank the multitude of players who provided crucial feedback throughout Diablo Immortal’s development, much of which influenced the very game ...
The map has various icons depicting specific points of interest, such as waypoints, dungeons, and quest objectives; these can be filtered and toggled. Players can also pin any part of the map, which will show an optimal path based on the player's position. ...
FromOctober 8—October 15, stream yourself playing Diablo IV on Discord and earn the mightySea of Voices Weapon Bundle. To earn these tools of demonic dismemberment, check the Discover tab in Discord to accept this Quest, and then stream at least 15 minutes of Diablo IV to your friends on...
Tyrael, formerly the Archangel of Justice, now the Aspect of Wisdom, is a mortal angel. He is a stalwart defender of Sanctuary and mankind, but is considered a renegade by the Angiris Council. If not for his actions, both the mortal realm and its inhabit
“I am Sanctuary, and Sanctuary is I! You seek to fight the very world itself when you seek to stand against me.” -Inarius Invite the defender of Sanctuary into your home—get the defiantDiablo IV Inarius 26 in Premium Statue. This renegade angel will be available now from theBlizzard ...
Forgotten Nightmares, the first Major Update for Diablo Immortal—begins to go live on September 27! Dive into the details behind our first new dungeon Silent Monastery, and more.