在这个项目中,我开发了一个Arduino库来读取 DHT11 湿度和温度传感器生成的数据,并使用 AZDeliveryESP8266ESP-12F NodeMCULua Amica V2 将其连续发送到 ThingSpeak 云服务。 有许多库可以用来读取 DHT11传感器数据。那么,为什么要重新发明轮子呢?只是为了了解事物的运作方式并可能改进它们的乐趣。
So this code first creates heading with the message of ‘measurement’ in one cell and the message of ‘value’ in another cell. After that, we created three rows to display values of temperature and humidity. Now lets come to Arduino programming part of this project of displaying sensor val...
#define pin 11 //DHT11 连接arduino11引脚 void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600);lcd.begin(16, ...
1.首先检查安装了Arduino IDE的STM32软件包。2.通过上面的链接安装使用Arduino IDE编程STM32的软件包时...
// include the library code: #include <LiquidCrystal.h> byte smiley[8] = { B00111, B00101, B00111, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, }; // initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); ...
Seehttp://playground.arduino.cc/main/DHT11Lib Seehttp://playground.arduino.cc/main/DHTLib Seehttps://www.mischianti.org/2019/01/01/dht12-library-en/ Seehttps://github.com/EngDial/AM2320/ This library needs to be compiled with C++11 features enabled -- any Arduino IDE later than 2015 ...
autoformat code with Arduino IDE code formatting standards (kcsoft) remove the interrupt number from the constructor by using digitalPinToInterrupt (kcsoft) fix type for us and timeout when no interrupt is triggered (kcsoft) removed the callback parameter from the constructor, added sensor type ...
The DHT11 is a basic,ultra low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses acapacitive humidity sensorand athermistorto measure the surrounding air. This sensor can be easily interfaced with any microcontroller such asArduinoorRP2040 Raspberry Pi Picoto measure humidity and temperature ins...
If you power the Arduino modules, the LCD Display connected to the Receiver Arduino will start to show the Temperature and Humidity inside and Temperature and Humidity from that are received from the sender Arduino. Congratulations! You have completed your project with Visuino. Also attached are th...