errorDecoder(mySHTC3.begin());// To start the sensor you must call "begin()", the default settings use Wire (default Arduino I2C port) } // void loop() { float RH,T; delay(1000); //延时1000毫秒 SHTC3_Status_TypeDef result = mySHTC3.update(); if(mySHTC...
使用DHT sensor library库来直接读取DHT22的数据。 代码语言:javascript 复制 #include <DHT.h> //调用DHT库 DHT dht(D1,DHT22); //设置Data引脚所接IO口和传感器类型 void setup(){ //初始化函数,只在程序开始时运行一次 Serial.begin(115200); //设置串口波特率 dht.begin(); } //https://blog.zerun...
errorDecoder(mySHTC3.begin());// To start the sensor you must call "begin()", the default settings use Wire (default Arduino I2C port) } // void loop() { float RH,T; delay(1000); //延时1000毫秒 SHTC3_Status_TypeDef result = mySHTC3.update(); if(mySHTC...
(a)在 arduino IDE 的 libraries 目录下建立一个目录 dht11 (其实名称不重要),然后用文本编辑器复制...
/** ESP32 + DHT11 Example for eyeglasses */ #include "DHTesp.h" //引入DHTesp头文件,为下面调用函数做准备。 const int DHT_PIN = 15; //定义一个整形变量,目的是使用GPIO-15来接收来自传感器的数据 DHTesp dhtSensor; //定义一个DHT传感器 /...
wewritetofield1.ThingSpeak.setField(1,sensorData->temperature);ThingSpeak.setField(2,sensorData->humidity);intx=ThingSpeak.writeFields(myChannelNumber,myWriteAPIKey);if(x== 200) {Serial.println("TempChannelupdatesuccessful.");}else {Serial.println("Problemupdatingtempchannel.HTTPerrorcode" +String...
#define DHT11_PIN 13 //Sensor output pin is connected to pin 13 dht DHT; //Sensor object named as DHT #define Desired_temperature 27 //The desired temperature is 27*C at any time //Decoded Remote Signals For my AC ##CHANGE IT FOR YOUR REMOTE ...
AM2301 Sensor Description : 1. 4-pin package 2. Ultra-low power 3. No additional components 4. Excellent long-term stability 5. All calibration, digital output 6. Completely interchangeable 7. Long distance signal transmission 8. Relative humidity and temperature measurement Specifica...
This version of the library is used in this tutorial: and here: (German only, sorry) Releases No releases published...
autoformat code with Arduino IDE code formatting standards (kcsoft) remove the interrupt number from the constructor by using digitalPinToInterrupt (kcsoft) fix type for us and timeout when no interrupt is triggered (kcsoft) removed the callback parameter from the constructor, added sensor type ...