dhcp-pd(dhcp prefix delegation)是地址委派。在pe-ce的简单环境下,在pe配置好ipv6的地址和ipv6 dhcp池,那么ce就可以直接通过dhcp获得接口地址,并且在其下联接口上仍然可以获得dhcp池中的地址。这样做也是为了更换sp。
DHCP PD是DHCPv6的扩展技术,大家可以这么理解:运营商接光猫到家,通过光猫给客户端分配IPV6地址。 拓扑如下: 需求: 通过R2上的DHCPV6 POOL给win7客户端分配IPV6地址。 R2配置: R2(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing R2(config)#ipv6 local pool dhcp6 2100:abcd::/64 64 R2(config)#ipv6 dhcp pool dhcp-ipv6...
方法/步骤 1 对于我们的实验要求,我们只需要四个设备就可以搭建一个简单的网络环境,如下图所示一个客户端PC、一个接入层交换机、一个外联的路由器和运营商的DHCP服务器;2 我们先来配置ISP运营商的DHCP服务器设备,如下图所示我们需要现在全局配置下创建一个本地的前缀地址池,然后在创建的DHCP地址池中调用这个...
DHCP CLIENT TERMINAL AND DHCP-PD REQUESTING ROUTERPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a DHCP client terminal capable of immediately executing communication even when the DHCP client terminal is replaced in an IP network using the DHCP or the DHCP-PD to make settings to an IP address.SATO HIROAKI...
# 配置IPv6 PD地址池。 [SwitchA] dhcpv6 pool pool1 [SwitchA-dhcpv6-pool-pool1] prefix-delegation fc00:2::/60 63 [SwitchA-dhcpv6-pool-pool1] quit # 使能接口的DHCPv6 PD服务器功能。 [SwitchA] dhcp enable [SwitchA] interface vlanif 100 [SwitchA-Vlanif100] dhcpv6 server pool1 [Switch...
ipv6 dhcp option-group 10 dns-server 240C::6666 dns-server 240C::6644 # apn-profile profile69 apn static cmnet # wlan service-template home ssid home vlan 10 akm mode psk preshared-key pass-phrase cipher $c$3$smBKcqqfdfafdHwfE6tq4YKU27k1xxko/6hOOyrBluCg== ...
DHCP/5/DHCPV6_PD_CLIENT_RENEW: The IPv6 prefix lease is successfully renewed. (Interface=[Interface], Prefix=[Prefix], PrefixLen=[PrefixLen], ServerDuid=[ServerDuid], LeaseDuration=[LeaseDuration]) 日志含义 IPv6前缀续租成功。 日志参数
dhcp6_sendmessage: ppp0: sendmsg: Bad file descriptor That imples something else holds the DHCP6 port open. Are there any stale dhcpcd processes? Lets stick with 9.4.1 (specifically the dhcpcd-9 branch here) for now here's a patch for that: ...