3 接着我们来配置路由器,如下图所示我们要在向上E0/0的接口上开启IPv6的使能,无状态自动配置IPv6地址并下发默认路由,同时设置此接口为DHCP的客户端前缀委托为地址池likai,向下E0/1接口上配置开启IPv6使能,同时利用前缀委托的前缀地址为此接口配置一个IPv6全局单播地址;4 下面我们就开始配置PC设备了,这个相对...
DHCPv6有状态自动分配。 DHCPv6服务器自动分配IPv6地址/PD前缀及其他网络配置参数(DNS、NIS、SNTP服务器...
4634 1 26:03 App 3.6.1 飞塔虚拟防火墙安装及IPV4 IPV6基本配置 1392 -- 15:15 App 3.5.6 山石防火墙IPV6 IPSEC VPN 点到点 1345 -- 15:29 App 7.1.6 OPNSense 防火墙 H3C MSR IPSEC 9392 2 23:02 App 7.1.7 SIP Trunk 对接联通IMS 1.5万 6 3:26 App 我把Mac mini M4当成服务器了 ...
R2(config-if)#ipv6 address 2012::2/64 R2(config-if)#ipv6 dhcp server dhcp-ipv6 R1配置 R1(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing R1(config)#int e0/1 R1(config-if)#no shutdown R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2012::1/64 R1(config-if)#ipv6 dhcp client pd test6 R1(config-if)#exit R1(config...
dhcp-pd(dhcp prefix delegation)是地址委派。在pe-ce的简单环境下,在pe配置好ipv6的地址和ipv6 dhcp池,那么ce就可以直接通过dhcp获得接口地址,并且在其下联接口上仍然可以获得dhcp池中的地址。这样做也是为了更换sp。
ipv6 dhcp pool v10 network prefix 10 export-route dns-server 240C::6666 dns-server 240C::6644 option-group 10 # ipv6 dhcp option-group 10 dns-server 240C::6666 dns-server 240C::6644 # apn-profile profile69 apn static cmnet
I have dhcpcd getting ipv6 prefix over pppoe, and if pppd loses and regains the connection, dhcpcd is not getting a new v6 prefix until I manually restart it. So I tried to add dhcpcd --rebind $1 to ip-up script and here's what happens. ...
When you lose the ipv6 connection, does it come back automatically, or is the only way to make it work again to kill theSIGUSR1once? I get the same warning message as you, but in my case, it comes back in 30-60 seconds after losing connection. But sometimes it happens when I'm ...
dhcp-pd(dhcp prefix delegation)是地址委派。在pe-ce的简单环境下,在pe配置好ipv6的地址和ipv6 dhcp池,那么ce就可以直接通过dhcp获得接口地址,并且在其下联接口上仍然可以获得dhcp池中的地址。这样做也是为了更换sp。