dfsrdiag staticrpc 是一个用于配置DFS复制(DFSR)服务静态RPC端口的命令工具。DFSR服务用于在Windows Server环境中同步和复制文件夹内容,而RPC(远程过程调用)是DFSR进行通信的关键技术之一。在某些情况下,如防火墙或网络策略的限制,可能需要为DFSR服务配置静态RPC端口,以确保复制过程的顺利进行。 参数解释 /port:<...
“dfsrdiag backlog /rgname:"Group Name" /rfname:"folder name" /smem:sendingmembername /rmem:receivingmembername”===Sorry for asking a dumb question, but could you please explain the command switch "/rfname" ? Is it supposed to simply contain the DFSR root shared folder (e.g. D:\Da...
Dfsrdiag /PollAD /Member:Branch01.sales.contoso.com 为待定,请键入:复制 Dfsrdiag PollAD /Member:sales\Branch01 为待定,请键入:复制 Dfsrdiag PollAD /Member:Branch01 要启用此命令的详细日志记录,请键入:复制 Dfsrdiag /PollAD /v 若要查看此命令的帮助,请键入:复制 Dfsrdiag /PollAD /? 其他...
In order to monitor the current replication state of the DFS replication service on these servers, the command‘dfsrdiag.exe ReplicationState’can be used. The /member (or /mem) option can be used along with the ‘ReplicationState’ command line switch to specif...
When we use Dfsrdiag SyncNow command, we must include /Time:<value> switch. What does the /Time switch really do?ThanksAll replies (3)Wednesday, December 23, 2009 10:53 AM ✅AnsweredHi imprise,We can define replication schedules on a Replication Group in DFS-R. This means that we ...
windows>system32>dfsrdiag.exe windows>system32>en-us>dfsrdiag.exe.mui Dont know what to do once these files have been copied over to the core machine. Am I supposed to copy other files as well? 3. Ive tried adding Windows Features, but again, DFSR is not listed. ...
I have moved one of the file servers to another site and can no longer use the dfsrdiag backlog command. It returns the following error: [ERROR] Failed to connect to WMI services on computer: <server FQDN> Operation Failed DFS Replication appears to work fine, but can't see the back...
I was able to use the dfsrdiag backlog command with no issue in this scenario. I have moved one of the file servers to another site and can no longer use the dfsrdiag backlog command. It returns the following error:[ERROR] Failed to connect to WMI services on computer: <server FQDN>...
I was able to use the dfsrdiag backlog command with no issue in this scenario. I have moved one of the file servers to another site and can no longer use the dfsrdiag backlog command. It returns the following error:[ERROR] Failed to connect to WMI services on computer: <server FQDN>...
Operation Failed run from DFS-SRV2 PS C:\Users\username> dfsrdiag backlog /RGName:domain.com\shares\Ops /RFName:Ops /SMem:dfs-srv2 /RMem:dfs-srv1 [ERROR] Access is denied when connecting to WMI services on computer: dfs-srv2.belfor-uk.comOperation FailedAll...