“dfsrdiag backlog /rgname:"Group Name" /rfname:"folder name" /smem:sendingmembername /rmem:receivingmembername”===Sorry for asking a dumb question, but could you please explain the command switch "/rfname" ? Is it supposed to simply contain the DFSR root shared folder (e.g. D:\Da...
I have moved one of the file servers to another site and can no longer use the dfsrdiag backlog command. It returns the following error: [ERROR] Failed to connect to WMI services on computer: <server FQDN> Operation Failed DFS Replication appears to work fine, but can't see the back...
I was able to use the dfsrdiag backlog command with no issue in this scenario. I have moved one of the file servers to another site and can no longer use the dfsrdiag backlog command. It returns the following error:[ERROR] Failed to connect to WMI services on computer: <server FQDN>...
DFS Replication appears to work fine, but can't see the backlog. I made sure I'm running the command prompt as an administrator, and even disabled UAC filtering with the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system\LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy DWORD (set it to 1). I'm sta...
Operation Failed run from DFS-SRV2 PS C:\Users\username> dfsrdiag backlog /RGName:domain.com\shares\Ops /RFName:Ops /SMem:dfs-srv2 /RMem:dfs-srv1 [ERROR] Access is denied when connecting to WMI services on computer: dfs-srv2.belfor-uk.comOperation FailedAll...
i have checked that local admin on both has access to \root\microsoftdfs WMI namespace on both servers run from DFS-SRV1 PS C:\Users\username> dfsrdiag backlog /RGName:domain.com\shares\Ops /RFName:Ops /SMem:dfs-srv2 /RMem:dfs-srv1 ...