//adjacency matrix func: //1.create a map ,init all of datas void CreateMGraph(MGraph* g) { printf("please input vertexnum and edgenum:\n"); scanf("%d,%d", &g->vertexnum, &g->edgenum); getchar(); for (int i = 0; i < g->vertexnum; i++) { printf("NO.%d vertex:\n...
🎭 PsuendoCode Bitwise Right Shift Pattern 🧩 ⏰: O(1) 🪐: O(1) return (n > 0) && ((n & (n - 1)) == 0); ; 📐 Matrix Pattern 📐 -> ❓ FIND IF MATRIX IS SINGULAR 🐣 Matrix Chain Multiplication, etc. 🎭 PsuendoCode 📐 Matrix Pattern 📐 ⏰: O(n^3)...
(QueuePtr *q, ElemType c); //入队 void DeleteQueue(QueuePtr *q, ElemType *c);//出队 bool IsEmpty(QueuePtr *q); //判空 void InitGraph(MGraph* m, int number); void DFS(MGraph* m, int start); void BFS(MGraph* m); void visit(int); int main() { int start; MGraph m; printf(...
Step-1: Compute the number of incoming edges for each node. Step-2: Add all the vertices with in-degree of 0 to a queue. Step-3: Remove a vertex from the queue Decrease in-degree by 1 for all its neighboring nodes. Add 0 in-degree node to queue. /* https://www.lintcode.com/...
The first line contains an integern(1 ≤ n ≤ 5000). Nextnlines contain the adjacency matrixAof the graph (without spaces).Ai, j = 1if the graph has an edge going from vertexito vertexj, otherwiseAi, j = 0.Ai, jstands for thej-th character in thei-th ...
Here every line of code is supposed to be executed atomically. The entry point is pndfs(sI , n), which spawns n parallel instances of dfsblue(sI , tid ) in the fashion of swarming. However, the red colourings are shared now, by which workers can guarantee that certain states are, ...
usingnamespacestd; classGraph { intV; // No. of vertices bool**tc; // To store transitive closure list<int> *adj; // array of adjacency lists voidDFSUtil(intu,intv); public: Graph(intV); // Constructor // function to add an edge to graph ...
Matrix的DFS:计算从矩阵的左上角到右下角有多少条路可以走。 # Matrix (2D网格) grid = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0]] # 计算有多少条路 (回溯方法) def dfs(grid, r, c, visit): ROWS, COLS = len(grid), len(grid[0]) if (min(r, ...
Depth First Search Program in C [Adjacency Matrix] #include<stdio.h> void DFS(int); int G[10][10],visited[10],n; //n is no of vertices and graph is sorted in array G[10][10] void main() { int i,j; printf("Enter number of vertices:"); ...
//adjacency matrix #defineVERTEXTYPE char #defineMAXVERTEXNUM 30 #defineEDGETYPE float #defineINFOTYPE float #defineINF 999.9 typedefstructGraphNode{ VERTEXTYPE vertex[MAXVERTEXNUM]; EDGETYPE arcs[MAXVERTEXNUM][MAXVERTEXNUM]; intvertexnum, edgenum; ...