2.1 邻接矩阵 邻接矩阵(Adjacency Matrix):使用一个二维矩阵来存储顶点之间的邻接关系。 对于无向图来说,如果顶点 i 与顶点 j 之间有边,我们就将矩阵 V[i][j] 和 V[j][i] 标记为 1;相反矩阵 V[i][j] 为 0 则代表两点之间没边。对于无向图,两个方向的边等价,此时邻接矩阵关于主对角线对称。 对于...
//adjacency matrix #define VERTEXTYPE char #define MAXVERTEXNUM 30 #define EDGETYPE float #define INFOTYPE float #define INF 999.9 typedef struct GraphNode { VERTEXTYPE vertex[MAXVERTEXNUM]; EDGETYPE arcs[MAXVERTEXNUM][MAXVERTEXNUM]; int vertexnum, edgenum; }MGraph; void CreateMGraph(MGraph...
typedef int EdgeType; //边类型 using namespace std; //邻接矩阵结构体 typedef struct{ VertexType vexs[MaxVex]; EdgeType arc[MaxVex][MaxVex]; int numVertexs, numEdges; //当前图中的结点数以及边数 }AdjacencyMatrix; //创建邻接矩阵 void CreateAMatrix(AdjacencyMatrix* AM) { cout << "输入...
[MAX]; // adjacency matrix int adjMatrix[MAX][MAX]; // vertex count int vertexCount = 0; // stack functions void push(int item) { stack[++top] = item; } int pop() { return stack[top--]; } int peek() { return stack[top]; } bool isStackEmpty() { return top == -1; }...
「样例输入」 5 1 -2 -3 4 5 4 2 3 1 1 2 2 5 「样例输出」 8 这里通过树来构造邻接矩阵,两点之间存在边则就设置矩阵的点为1; 代码如下: #...include using namespace std; int mx = 0; //最大子树的...
3. BFSAdjacencyMatrix 4. 马踏棋盘算法三:实际CTF案例 示例一:2021cybrics-walker 示例二:2021MTCTF-100mazes 示例三:2021看雪CTF-南冥神功 示例四:2021巅峰极客baby-maze DFS或BFS地图自动寻路 一:步骤总结 步骤1:找出所有检测点是否合法的限制条件(不是最后的检测,只是检测点是否合法,比如:点不能被访问过,对...
for graph node, we do the similar exploration: explore as further as possible according to the representation of graph (adjacency list, adjacency matrix or incidence matrix) until we find no more node that hasn’t been visited and connected with current node, then we go back to last node. ...
BFS_DFS_Adjacency Matrix Pwnmelife关注IP属地: 黑龙江 2019.01.13 19:11:33字数0 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MaxVertexNum 100 typedef char VertexType; typedef int ElemType; typedef int EdgeType; typedef struct QNode{ ElemType data; struct QNode* next; }QNode, *QNode...
int **edges; // matrix of Booleans ... THIS IS THE ADJACENCY MATRIX };Graph newGraph(int numVertices) { Graph g = NULL; if (numVertices < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "newgraph: invalid number of vertices\n"); } else { g = malloc(sizeof(struct graphRep)); ...
int numVertex,numEdge; int **matrix; //Pointer to adjacency matrix int *mark; //Pointer to mark array public: Graphm(int numVert){ //Mark graph w/numVert vertices int i,j; numVertex=numVert; numEdge=0; mark=new int[numVert]; //Initialize mark array ...