可以尝试重启路由器,给设备断电后重新上电,然后静待2-3分钟看设备是否可以恢复连接; 检查固件是否是最新版本,App端检查路径:我的—设置—设备升级。 注:如果您的设备是蓝牙设备,且没有连接到蓝牙网关中,那么设备可能无法正常通过Alexa进行控制,请您将设备连接至蓝牙网关后重新绑定技能。 如果以上都排除了还是有问题,...
Alexa can connect to smart devices all over your house — in fact, she's one of the best voice assistants for giving commands to smart devices. But all that smart-home compatibility also comes with some security concerns. Alexawillreceive data about your smart devices and how they are used ...
Fixed Mac/OSX issue that caused an unresponsive Sample App when not connected to the internet. Fixed issue that prevented sample app from exiting various states. Fixed UIManager issue that caused an error in the logs when the device with built without the wake word enabled. Fixed volume issue...
The force reboot solution works if your iPhone is crashed or frozen, which can sometimes cause an unresponsive iPhone with a black screen that appears dead because it isn’t responsive to anything. DFU If your iPhone gets the Silver Logo but restarts there, again and again, you can fix this...